
Author Topic: Freya custom server fresh DB  (Read 2875 times)

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    Freya custom server fresh DB
    « on: July 26, 2011, 11:33:09 PM »
    fresh data base 7/27/2011


    Server is running Freya (CT 2.5)
    Server stats
    Xp: x1000
    Sp: x1000
    Adena: x10000
    Drop: x1
    Max Enchant: 300
    Safe Enchant: 100
    Normal Scroll Rate: 75%
    Blessed Scroll Rate: 100%
    Autoenchanter 100% up to +300

    NPC information
    Global Gate Keeper
    Buff NPC in any Town (Manual Buffs | Scheme Buff)
    GM Shop in any Town
    Universal NPC with Full support
    Currency System
    Currency System - Beleth's Silver,Blood,Not allowed Dragon TvT event every 2 hours!
    Server information
    Olympiad 100% retail like, every month new Heroes(last for 1 month)!
    Fortress Siege 100% retail like
    Castle Siege 100% retail like
    Hellbound 100%
    Hellbound town 100%
    Steel Citadele 100%
    Tower of Infirnity 100%
    Tower of Naia 100%
    PvP kind items,skills 100% Masterwork kind items , skills 100%
    Max Subclasses 5 Sub Class
    Skills 100 Autolern skills 81-83
    Skill enchants 90-95% fixed 76-81 lvl
    Much passive events
    Much active events and much much more ...
    Items info

    Ruthless Mask = 3000 P.Def

    Goggle = 3000 M.Def

    VitalityBelt = 10 000 xMp,Hp,Cp, +10 % critvuln, +50 runspd

    NightmarishTattoo = 10000 xM.Def,P.Def,P.Atk,M.Atk,+400 Atk.Spd,+450 Cast.Spd,+250 Crit rate, +20% Crit power

    Server Machine

    Server Machine - Procesor - 2x intel i7 920 ghz 2,66 Core speed
    Ram - 8 gbs ddr3
    2 hard discs - 80 gb sata 2 rmp 15000 500gb sata rmp 7200

    We hope you enjoy our server. Have fun...

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=3638.0

