
Author Topic: Gigabit VPS by MonoKernel  (Read 4490 times)

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    Gigabit VPS by MonoKernel
    « on: August 25, 2012, 04:14:05 PM »

    High availability and secure hosting on our own hosted VPS platform.
    We use state of the art hardware, over the best network instrafacture, with the best administration staff looking over them.
    You will also never face overselling over our VPS hosting services. You won’t find more CPU and RAM for your VPS.

    About our technology
    OpenVZ is container-based virtualization for Linux. OpenVZ creates multiple secure, isolated containers (otherwise known as VEs or VPSs) on a single physical server enabling better server utilization and ensuring that applications do not conflict. Each container performs and executes exactly like a stand-alone server; a container can be rebooted independently and have root access, users, IP addresses, memory, processes, files, applications, system libraries and configuration files.

    What we offer in our packages
    • Full root access: Customize your VPS setup exactly as you want, to match completely your needs. No matter what kind of services you are hosting and how demanding they are, there is only one way to get guaranteed satisfaction: by having the complete control.
    • VPS Control Panel: Manage your VPS just like having a physical machine, and more! You can reformat into the current OS, reboot, stop, resume, reinstall new OS and even backup!
    • Gigabit connection: Our hardware is based on one of the biggest datacenters in Europe, located in France with premium, low latency gigabit connections.
    • E-mail support: E-mail support is underrated because usually it's slow. This is not the case here, since all tickets are proccessed in minutes and there are no special or unfortunate clients.
    • Xeon-powered hardware: All hardware is based on Xeon i7 CPUs, ensuring low latency and high performance operation.
    • Variety of Linux distributions: Every popular server Linux distribution is available and if not, we will gladly realize your requirement.

    OVZ 256
    1 Core
    256Mb RAM
    25Gb Storage
    Unlimited Bandwith
    1 IP Address
    4.95 euro
    OVZ 512
    2 Cores
    512Mb RAM
    50Gb Storage
    Unlimited Bandwith
    2 IP Addresses
    8.95 euro
    OVZ 1024
    2 Cores
    1024Mb RAM
    75Gb Storage
    Unlimited Bandwith
    2 IP Addresses
    14.95 euro
    OVZ 2048
    2 Cores
    2048Mb RAM
    100Gb Storage
    Unlimited Bandwith
    2 IP Addresses
    29.95 euro

    Key Features & Add-Ons
    • DirectAdmin: A strong tool which allows you to quickly and easy manage your domains names, e-mail accounts, databases, subdomains and more. Just for € 5.00/ month.
    • SSL Certificates: Get a Geo Trust Rapid SSL with just € 60.00 annually!
    • Extra dedicated IP (IPv4): If you need more IP addresses for your VPS, you can easily add them with just € 1.00 per month!

    Terms of Service
    • Orders are proccessed within 24 hours max. Usually the proccessing time is within minutes. All systems are automated but require approval by the administration.
    • Only payments from PayPal verified accounts are accepted.
    • All Virtual Server plans are unmanaged and included (free of charge) support is limited to operation, legal and billing issues. For furter support, extra charges may apply after discussion with the client.
    • Refunds do not apply on current month payment. You may ask for a refund if you have payed in more than a month in advance, for the next months. Trials are also not available.
    • No spam, public VPN/ proxy, P2P file sharing (including Torrent), IRC services (bots and servers), sharing and storage of copyrighted material, illegal material (including drugs and child porn) in any of our plans.
    • All IP addresses are issued according to RIPE standards, regulations and terms. If you don't comply with those terms and don't provide legit information, we may deny any secondary IPs.
    • In case your services put network stability and security in danger, we have the right to terminate your service, if you don't comply with our warnings. We also have the obligation to provide a backup copy of your files (if there is no damage) and a refund, where that applies (see above).

    Datacenter and Infrastructure
    • Hardware Nodes: All hardware nodes run with Intel Xeon i7 W3520 Quad-Core with Hyperthreating @ 2.66+ GHz, 24GB DDR3 RAM, 2x 2TB SATA2 HDDs.
    • Internet Connectivity: Each hardware node has 1 Gbps guaranteed bandwidth.
    • Datacenter: Up to now, only OVH can meet our high standards.

    Test download and ping

    If you have any pre-sales questions or want to contact us:

    Coming soon:
    • DirectAdmin Web hosting (CloudFlare supported).
    • Optional SSD for your VPS.
    • IPv6 Support.

    If you intend to host a L2j* game server we will gladly help you to optimize and setup your VPS for optimal performance.
    If you intend to host a website we will gladly help you setup Google Apps (for e-mail), CloudFlare (for DNS) and nginX/PHP-FPM/MySQL.




    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=9211.0
    « Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 10:10:31 AM by nekys »



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      Re: Gigabit VPS by MonoKernel
      « Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 12:07:33 AM »
      For limited time, we offer VPS with KVM, since it is a service still under testing.

      6Gb RAM with 100Mbit connection at 50 euro per month.

      KVM means you can now also host Windows® or BSD operating systems.


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        Re: Gigabit VPS by MonoKernel
        « Reply #2 on: October 24, 2012, 12:01:38 PM »


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          Re: Gigabit VPS by MonoKernel
          « Reply #3 on: November 16, 2012, 12:49:58 PM »


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            Re: Gigabit VPS by MonoKernel
            « Reply #4 on: November 25, 2012, 02:17:26 PM »
            The next 10 clients will have 10% recurring discount forever!
            Just use "forever10" coupon code on checkout.
            It only applies to one order per client.


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              Re: Gigabit VPS by MonoKernel
              « Reply #5 on: December 03, 2012, 11:35:00 AM »
              Just to note, we also accept PaySafe cards you can find almost anywhere worldwide.


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                Re: Gigabit VPS by MonoKernel
                « Reply #6 on: December 11, 2012, 03:06:12 AM »
                Quote from: nekys
                The next 10 clients will have 10% recurring discount forever!
                Just use "forever10" coupon code on checkout.
                It only applies to one order per client.

                Offer is over, all coupons has been consumed.

                Also KVM offer is over. In the next months we will open this service in public. If you are still interested please contact us:


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                  Re: Gigabit VPS by MonoKernel
                  « Reply #7 on: December 31, 2012, 04:52:12 AM »
                  We now offer KVM (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD) virtualized servers. Soon we will update our website for more details. If you are interested, PM me.

                  PS. We accept payments via PaySafe card too.


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                    Re: Gigabit VPS by MonoKernel
                    « Reply #8 on: January 17, 2013, 07:54:16 AM »
                    New lower prices for Game Servers!


