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    Selling few projects not only related to Lineage2!
    « on: October 26, 2014, 02:14:27 AM »
    1.Host4server.eu is website wihch is providing VPS, Dedicated hosting.
    About the system:
    Firstly the system is not something new, but it's not free where you can
    find everything you need on the first google page, actually it was programmed
    by a specialist.
    The website is huge, it has more than a 20+ inner pages.
    Everything is codded and working properly.
    Everything you will see in pictures is working.
    *You can add money by paypal/paysera to your account's balance.
    *You can offer the Dedicated/VPS.
    *Everything is related with MySQL.
    *You have a admin's account which has a function to confirm the (VPS/Dedi) offers.
    *There is a discounts system, for ex. : You are offering plan with price 10Euros
    When you write the discount code for 50%, your price will be 5Euros.
    *There is system for every invited new person in system, for ex. : You invite your friend
    Lukas, he offers dedicated for 10Euros, and you will receive the 20% from his spended price
    in the system every time.
    *There is fully working Registration system.
    *There is fully working password recovery sytem.
    *There is top system, for most users invited in system.
    *There is online chatting with the administration.
    *There is properly working subscribe to system for newest updates.
    *And more inside.
    How to connect my dedicated??
    Easily you just need to put the computers IP, password url.
    The system is created for websites - DirectAdmin, and for VPS'es - PROXMOX/OPENVZ.

    The price is really low for that kind of project: 280Euros.
    For discounts or something, please contact me on skype: host4server.eu

    For photos contact on skype: daumis269

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=20973.0

