For example we have this rectangular
So ok, go to 1 Point and write /loc, then go to 4 Point and write again /loc... Then we have coordinates, mine is 13818 256426 -2013 and 21550 250005 -1995
go to our zone.xml and create new town, for example:
<zone id="11041" type="Town" shape="Cuboid" minZ="-1900" maxZ="-2050">
<stat name="name" val="My Cool Town" />
<stat name="townId" val="33" />
<stat name="spawnX" val="19495" />
<stat name="spawnY" val="254006" />
<stat name="spawnZ" val="-2026" />
where minZ="-1900" we write our minZ Cheesy i explain. how we see i have Z coordinate -1995 so i write my min -1900... Where maxZ="-2050" i have coord -2013 so i write my max -2050.
<stat name="spawnX" val="19495" />
<stat name="spawnY" val="254006" />
<stat name="spawnZ" val="-2026" />
These coordinates are respawn coordinates. Then player die, where they will be respawned.
and the last thing what to do... Go to zone_vertices.sql
in first table we add town id. mine is 11041. in second table order - 1. And where is x and y we write our x1 and y2 coord. mine is 13818 and 256426... Now create another one line and write again id. orden - 2 (i write 0. mistake Cheesy). and write again other x2 and y2 coord. mine was 21550 250005...
ok. done, now you got new town and peace zone Smiley
Credit: bauwbas