
Author Topic: [L2J]L2Eminence [Interlude PROJECT]  (Read 1108 times)

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    [L2J]L2Eminence [Interlude PROJECT]
    « on: November 17, 2012, 07:09:44 PM »
    L2Eminence PROJECT

    Strikes again , coming to conquer the private server scene , don't miss it.
    Read below some features , this post will be updated from time to time because server will open in approximately 1 month and we don't want our features to be leaked already , However i will give you a tip.Much of old L2Eminence's feature will be seen again.

    Exp :x5000
    Adena : x5000

    Safe : 3
    Max : 20
    Chance : 70 % Normal , 75% Blessed
    Totally Balanced
    Custom Jail System [One of the greatest features ever.So , jail is no more a place a player is going in order to get punished.If the player swears in chat , even intentionally , he is teleported to our jail.When a player enters our customized jail he gain some super stats , like Super haste lvl3 etc ,only when in Jail.Every player can stay there 5 minutes each time and can't go to jail for 20 minutes.
    While in Jail each kill will reward your player with 1Jail Farm Item - Can be exchanged for Bless or Lifestone.Players from the same IP cant be at jail at the same time and we'll make it so there won't be pvp botting.]

    Most awesome farming system ever.
    Custom Items [Our custom items are probably some of the most balanced out there.Giving the players something to farm for and also being a nice addition to your gear , this is how they work :
    Each Custom Set of armor is going to give your player some stats ONLY DURING THE PVP.This is how they were on old eminence and they were really amazing.For example , while in PvP the light armor will be giving the player some speed and attack , while the heavy will add p.def on the player.This is an example and also the stats are really balanced.More to come , you will see yourself.

    Totally protected
    Vote reward per player [ Which means when you vote you get the reward - we dont want AFKers in our server]
    Custom [ . ] commands.
    Augmentation system totally balanced to make each player equal.
    [5% for Farmable Lifestones - 15% For Donate-able lifestones] - Active skills stuck , passive only if you have it on the equipped weapon [No Skill Donations].
    Custom announcements for Heroes , Lords etc.
    Healing raid-boss protection
    Improved AI on monsters on the Farm Zones
    Limit on element resistance
    Hero Voice for those with more than 5000 PvPs
    Customized Community Board
    Olympiad System and 2 Week Olympiad Circle
    Custom Event Engine and Events.

    To start with , our events are made so players have fun and they dont have any huge impact on the economy of the server.Rewards from all the events are Lifestones.Our events are TvT / DeathMatch / Beat The Clock / Lucky Chest.On TvT all the players gain HUGE STATS and then each team tries to win against the other.DeathMatch is , every player sees the others with hidden name and clan crest.Then he gets a message on chat for example "Your target is male" after some time he get's another message for example. " Your target is male and elf class" for any killing on the correct target the player gets 3 points.If he kills a wrong player he looses 1 point.You get as much LS as you have on your points and the winner gets 5 extra.Beat The Clock event is , between 20 minutes and 2 hours randomly a window will popup and you will have to write the captcha inside it ( 5 numbers ) in a 5 second time limit.This is a small event to make the players have some fun while chilling around.This will give 1 ls if you type the captcha correct , if not you will get nothing.We also have the Lucky Chest  event , where each player may get some small rewards like 4ls per lucky box.Closing , we must mention that there will be 1 events each 1 hour , this mean TvT after 1 hour DM after 1 hour LC and goes on.

    And the huge features won't be revealed until the opening is closed.
    This server isn't made for Donations and you'll see this from the Donations List , but we are spending tons of money on this server so any support would be great when the server starts.
    Also , the server will not have the economy based on Vote Rewards [That's the most *** thing in L2 - Rewards will be exchanged for Accessories that don't give stats]

    Site will be online soon , you can find us there.
    We accept any suggestion , so feel free to PM me here or post below until the server opens.
    The staff is a 4 person. 3 Administrators - 1 Developer.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=10439.0
    « Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 07:11:35 PM by EXPLOSIVEQQ »

