Game Server Rates:
XP: x6
SP: x6
Drop: x4
Adena: x5
Spoil: x4 Party XP/SP: x2
Manor Drop:x2
Quest Rates:
XP/ SP/ Adena Reward: x3
Quest Item Reward: x1
Quest Item Drop Rate: x2
No client limit(Free L2 Net-L2 Walker-L2 Tower)
Server Features
Retail enchant success rate, safe +3/+4 on one part armor and max+25
Offline Private Store: Set your private store and click (.Offline)
Zaken DayTime / NightTime / DayTime(Hard Mode) Working Retail Like
Freya Instance Working Retail Like
Enabled Hellbound Options To Check Level And Trust (.Hellbound)
Frintezza Instance Working Retail Like
Events Retail Like
Classes - 1st free, 2rd 500k, 3rd - 5kk
Subclasses (3) with quest retail like
Noblesse - with quest retail like
Buff time - retail like
Expoff/expon commands work
No client limit(Free L2 Net-L2 Walker-L2 Tower)
Server Informations
Intel Xeon E3-1275 Quad-Core
Incl.Hyper-Threading Technology
1 Gbit OnBoard
Backup Space 100GB
Traffic Unlimited
KVM-Over-IP Remote Management
Two Redundant Power Supply Units
The Grand Opening Of Server 19/11/2012 20:00
www.l2victory.comWith Regards L2 Victory Team