L2JHellas latest updates: (moderator if you can edit the forum link with this one:
unhardcoded Sound(Reworked from l2j),RequestConfirmGemStone,RequestConfirmRefinerItem,RequestConfirmTargetItem
from l2j Friend system,Blocklist(dont forget to update your database).
L2GamePackHandler rework
Duel,commandchannel rework
Auto Equip System unhardcoded.
unhardcoded RequestShortCutReg.
player fishing.
deleted all fishing zones,only 2 fishing places,giran-gludio fishing places.
When player enter in a fishing zone a auestion mark appears(instructions about fishing).
Login server AuthClient
misc rework
clean up,finilyze,typo,rename
change partyroom leader,
CommunityBoard date-stuck, thanks Cupido
ZODIAC event fixes +typo thanks JMD for report
movement+follow improvement with geodata.
logout fix thanks to JMD,
title space fix(no space allowed)
cp-hp-mp regeneration calculate,miss calculate,karma calculate,serverlist status,message correction when xp-sp added.
forgeofgods reports: Fix Attack in peacezone,z location waterstate check,guards attack pk players,deodata-world map dimensions.
forgeofgods reports: fix quest bug.
forgeofgods reports: fix Adventure Guildsman.
Added check to avoid multiple broadcast social action when interact with npc.
Removed ValidateLocation to avoid "jumps" ValidateLocation sent only when player client position is wrong.
Racetrack teleport fix.
7sDungeon teleport fix.
SocialAction now send on every player in radius.
Implement SocialAction Floodprotector.
ObserverMode spawn fix.
onIntentionActive is now set player to active,implement nextaction.
onEvtReadyToAct implement nextaction.
Guards can attack karma players inside towns.
Npe in autoattackstart
AttackStanceTaskManager avoid to check for cubis if cubics are not active.
summon add attackstance when owner attacked.
add pvp status(summon-owner) when casting Offensive skill on player outside of pvp zone.
Owner: add attackstance when summon hit a target or pet get attacked.
Augmentation skill level. thanks apollo19.
Admin addAnnouncement npe.
Mobs return home if too far from spawn point.
prevent to attack invisible chars.
L2GamePacketHandler fix arrayoutofbound-npe.
build file(Requirements) removed check for subversion. thanks to forgeofgods.
Mobs now can forgetobjects correctly.
admin change name stuck fix.
Fishing animation-fishing unhardcoded
Avoid to search inside objects for players, replaced with getPlayer method.
doDie set hp to 0.
stuck when you are on boat.
cubic skill range.
Removed some unused configs.
double boats and moved inside /quests/vehicles
double flood protector,PacketHistory,Javolution.
Deleted double classrace(classid)-playerrace.
Deleted unused IL2EntryProcedure,IL2Procedure.
Duplicate world store object.
CastleTraps part1 for tests,NextAction.
Fence system.
BossForever xml Extractable Items patch.
flood protector checks.
Augmentation in shortcuts,and update shortcut when delete-add augmentation.
packets flood protection.(from l2j).
WaterZoneManager to hold information for fishing waterzone to avoid searching all over the zones about it.
AbnormalEffect emum.
npc randomAnimation,PvpFlag.
deleted old knownlist system(new system still in test mode but working well until now)
doors,zones,walkers,packets,configs clean up and rework. almost 25-35% has been reworked
ShortCutpackets: removed switch case, no need since its only 1-3 cases.
castle doors are hp avaible only in siege,also removed double packet send, no need since doorstatusupdate got already those packets.
unhardcoded RequestQuestAbort.
Action removed switch case, no need since its only 1-3 cases.
FriendInvite:added 2 check to avoid double invite - invite self.
Emum moved inside gameserver.emum package.
NpcData move in datatables.sql.
Xml datatables are now loading with parser.
MagicUseTask enabled printStackTrace to check for errors
L2JHellas it is free and always will be free interlude pack