
Author Topic: [L2SQ] Lineage Squared - H5 1 + 1 Same Race Stacksub  (Read 1353 times)

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    [L2SQ] Lineage Squared - H5 1 + 1 Same Race Stacksub
    « on: December 03, 2012, 08:42:56 PM »

    Quick-Link... Getting Started:How to Connect to L²SQ

    This is a completely new and novel Substack system. Unlike all the other (garbage-can) stack sub servers, at L2SQ you can make all possible 1 + 1 Same-Race combinations theoretically possible on the game from just a single character! Let me repeat that; ALL COMBINATIONS POSSIBLE, FROM THE SAME CHARACTER. Yes, this includes Kamaels, I would be lying to you if it didn't. Players start by choosing their characters appearance, and once in-game choose their first two classes. There are two restrictions to class selection, you can only have two classes active and they must be of the same race (1 + 1 Same-Race). The beauty of our system is that it does not overwhelm you; its functionality and complexity are concealed in the simplicity of its design.

    Fact: Stackclass renders all other Stacksubs OBSOLETE. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.


    Domain: L²SQ Main Site
    Forum: L²SQ Forums

    Server Features
    Unique Character Creation Process
    Unique Stackclass Combination System
    Every Combination Possible has its own Skillbar
    Superb Server Files; Everything Works
    Complete Geodata
    International Community
    Active/Pro/Multilingual Staff
    Unsurpassed Technical Support
    Zero Lag; Seamless Gameplay
    Anti-Bot/Anti-Hack Software
    DDoS Protection/Mitigation
    Balanced Donations
    Sex-Change via Donations
    Race/Name Change via Donation (Coming Soon!)
    Kamaels available through Retail Subclass Quest
    All Characters can Craft/Crystallize
    Perfectly Balanced Classes
    Any Party Member can Invite
    Any Clan Member can Withdraw from CWH (Permissions set in .clan)
    26+4 Buff Slots, 15 Song/Dance Slots
    Retail-Like Buff Times, except Song/Dance Durations +50%
    No Add'l MP Consumption for Song/Dances
    Songs/Dances are Alt + Click Removable
    Automatic Class Changes
    In-Game Clan Recruiting Board (Coming Soon!)
    Intelligent “All-at-Once” and "Insta-Learn" Skill System
    Automated CP/HP/MP Potions (.autoPotion)
    Many other Unique and Intelligent Player Features (.cfg)
    Non-Epic Raid Boss Status/Teleports (Loads of PvP)
    Normal Raid Respawn: 12 Hours +/- 1 Hour
    Epic Raid Respawn: Retail +/- 1 Hour
    All Raids have a 2 Hour Window, ensuring constant PvP at Epics
    All Raids 40+ Give CRP
    Updated Hellbound Content (Loads of PvP)
    Custom Skill Certifications
    Custom Team-Oriented Olympiad System (1v1, 3v3, 6v6)
    Custom Party Matching Window (Alt + B)
    Custom x10 Simultaneous Craft Option (100 A.Bones -> 10 CBP)
    Custom Endgame PvP/Fame-Farming Zones in SoA (Loads of PvP)
    Fame acts as a form of PvP Currency; Gained/Loss in Clanwars
    Vesper Upgrades 3x with Fame (Vesper -> Masterwork -> Noble -> Noble Masterwork)
    Everything else, Retail-Like

    The Class Selection Window (Alt + B, then click on 'Favorite')

    Custom Party Matching Window (Alt + B, then click on 'Homepage')

    Clan Ranking/Recruitment Board (Coming Soon!)

    Brought to you by,

    The Pac Project
    Expect Great(er) Things

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=10735.0

