Lineage2 Tauti Server x500
XP: 500x
SP: 500x
Adena: 10x
RateDropItems 10x
RateDropSpoil 10x
Quest: 50x
RateRaidBoss 10x
Party XP: 2x
Safe Enchant: 4
Max Enchant: 20
Enchant Rate: 66%
Blessed Enchant Rate: 75%
Stone Attribute 50%
Crystal Attribute 75%
Working Sub-class manager ,Cerification Manager ,most of dialogs are working ,most of skills are working,most of quest are working!
Version protocol are 415 ,448,449 (after few days we run and 479)
Check it !
Server is PTS ,check info on website!
http://l2reloaded.wordpress.comPm me nickname -> KingJulian
-> R0b3rt
Server will be official openned on 25 december
See yea in game