Dear Players!
Server is retail like, there is only a few things witch different. You can check listed below:.Website:
Email: [email protected]Server is running on dedicated:3.4+GHz-i3 2130
16 GB Memory
2x 1TB HDD
100Mbit connection
CentOS 6.3 x64
RatesXP, SP rate: 30x
Drop rate: 5x
Adena rate: 60x
Quest Drop and Reward: 3x
Bosses Drop: 3x
Spoil: 1x
Enchant and AugmentEnchantWeaponMax=16
EnchantSafeMax = 4
EnchantSafeMaxFull = 4
Enchant success rate = 66%
Blessed Enchant success rate = 70%
AugmentationNGSkillChance = 5
AugmentationMidSkillChance = 15
AugmentationHighSkillChance = 30
AugmentationTopSkillChance = 40
Can have active + passive augments
OthersIncreased Inventory limit by 20 for every class
+10 Speedboost
Triple Weight limit
DualBox allowed (max. 2)
GM SHOP up to B grade
NPC Buffer with standard buffs
MaxBuffAmount = 30+16 dance
MaxDebuffAmount = 4
No Death Penalty (its sucks)
TVT,CTF,DM events
GM Events (like Russian Roulette, hide and seek etc.) with reward 1 day hero!
Offline shop (.offline_shop command)
Offline craft
Wedding system
Oly Starts 18:00 PM, ends 24:00
2 Week Oly, 24 h validation time
AltOlyClassedParticipants = 5
AltOlyNonClassedParticipants = 9
AutoLoot even from RaidBosses
AutoLearn Skills
Allow Freight withdraw on every town
ClassMaster to change class: 1st class 100.000 adena, 2nd class 1.000.000 adena, 3rd class Quest OR 5 L2Arcturus Coin dropped by mobs
No SPellbooks need to learn skills
SubClass is free
3 subclass allowed
You can view Mob droplist with Shift+click