
Author Topic: L2 Middle Earth H5x10 STABLE NO LAG  (Read 1178 times)

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L2 Middle Earth H5x10 STABLE NO LAG
« on: February 02, 2013, 01:53:09 PM »
L2 Middle Earth H5x10 STABLE NO LAG

For more than a year, we have worked very hard to offer a Server strictly managed only by Professional Staff. Players from more than 60 countries around the world know the existence of this Server. Not miss this occasion, we are waiting for you.

Join Us Now !!!.


- XP/SP: x10
- XP/SP Party: x15
- Drop: x10
- Drop Adena: x10
- Drop Spoil: x7
- Drop Raid: x5
- Drop Manor: x5
- Drop Extract fish: x5
- Quest XP/SP/Adena/Drop: x10
- Enchant Safe Max: +5
- Enchant Safe Max Full: +6
- Enchant: 66,66%
- Auto pickup items from mobs, except Raids
- Slots: 24 Buff slots, 12 Chant slots, 12 Dance slots
- Duration of Buffs, Dances, Chants, Improved's, Party buffs: 1 Hour
- Class changes for adena at reach the necessary level or doing the Quest. <First class(20K), Second class(500K Adena), Third class (5KK Adena, 500K Ancient Adena)>
- Subclass change in any Village Master
- Automatic learning skills.
- Vitality System implemented
- Offline Trade/Craft: Implemented for 10 days
- Instances: Pailaka, Kamaloka, Crystal Cavern, Dark Cloud Mansion
- Instances: Seed of Infinity, Seed of Destruction, Seed of Annihilation, Nornil's Garden
- Instances of fortresses working
- Hellbound Working: Access with Path to Hellbound Quest
- GrandBosses of High Five
- Command to change password of your account enabled, writing .changepassword
- Command to block XP/SP enabled, writing .expon or .expoff. You decide when to raise your level and when not
- Command /unstuck 150 seconds
- Gift of Vitality Event with buff's for Character's and Pet's. Enabled
- Heavy Medal Event. Enabled
- Master Of Enchanting Event. Enabled
- Freya Celebration Event. Enabled
- Team vs. Team (TVT) Event. Enabled. Generous reward for the winning team
- Team vs. Team Round (TVT Round) Event. Enabled. Generous reward for the winning team
- Olympiads. Minimum 7 participants.
- Capture the Flag (CTF) Event. Enabled
- PC-Cafe points (PC Bang points) Event. Enabled
- Arena Leader Board Event. Enabled. Generous reward for the winner
- Team vs. Team TvT Leader Board. Enabled. Generous reward for the winner
- Fisherman Leader Board. Enabled. Generous reward for the winner
- Craft Leader Board. Enabled. Generous reward for the winner
- Global Chat. Enabled
- Global Trade Chat. Enabled
- HP/MP/CP Multiplier x2
- Recipes Dwarf and Common limit: 100
- Capacity of overweight x2
- Inventory Slots: 160 all players, dwarves 200 and Warehouse slots: 200 all players, dwarves 240
- Inventory and Warehouse for players and clans sorted
- VoteReward. Implemented. One Silver Shilen coin per vote to all players online
- Champions from level 20 to level 85 and Superchampions from level 40 to level 85. Reward and HP resist x8 y x10 respectively
- Shift+Click. Enabled
- Alt+Click. Enabled
- BlueSpoil. Enabled
- Treasure Chests. Implemented
- Giran Luxury up to A-Grade
- Password Account Recovery. Available
- Geodata. Enabled


- Server without lagg and stable when I'm not working on it ;-)
- 360 players registered.
- GMBUFFER in Principal Towns with buff for Characters and Pets. You Can make 4 schemas per player.
- GKGLOBAL in principal Towns and Villages.
- No-Grade Basic equipment when you create the character.
- Staff: [GM]Sauron (GameMaster), [GM]Land (Admin), [GM]Thorin (General GM), [GM]Kaoz (General GM).
- 360 players registered.
- Only Especial Items in Roy The Cat.


Follow us on FaceBook:http://www.facebook.com/pages/L2-Middle-Earth/551940288154624

Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=11907.0

