Server is on test right now for one week!
Official open date 9/2/2013
Features :
* Experience: x5000
* Spexperience: x5000
* Party Experience: x2500
* Party Spexperience: x2500
* Adena: x5000
* Safe : 7
* Max For Weapon : 25
* Max For Armor : 25
* Max For Jewels : 25
* Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 65%
* Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 85%
* Crystal Scroll Enchant Rate: 100%
* Epic Weapons
* Epic Armors
* Tattoos
* RB Jewels
Custom NPC
* Global Gatekeeper
* Raid Boss Gatekeeper
* Vote Trader Shop
* GM Shop
* Special Shop
* Buffer
* Skill Enchanter
* Augmenter
* Wedding Manager
* Server Info Npc
* Multi Siege Informer
* Clan Hall Manager
* Clan Manager
* Olympiad Manager
* Class Manager
* Top Stats Manager (Top Pvp , Pk )
* TvT Manager
* CTF Manager
* SubClass Manager
* Nobless Manager
* Symbol Manager
* Olympiad System
* Retail Like
* Olympiad Cycle = 1 Week
* C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 99%
* Fishing
* Seven Signs
* Castle Siege
* Clan Hall Sieges
* Noblesses & Heroes System
* Max Level 80
* All Quests
* Clan Wars
* C5/Interlude Clan System
* Subclans (Academy, Royal Guards, Order of Knights)
* Cursed weapons
* Weapon Augmentations ( 15% Rate )
* Dueling System
* All C4/C5/Interlude Skills
* Special Raid Bosses
* Olympiad 100% Retail like
* DualBox allowed
* Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes
* Active and experienced development/GM team!
* No corruption!
* NO LAG!!!
* 100% Uptime
* International community
* New character start with 500kk adena
* Max Subclasses = 3
* Max Subclass level = 80
* Max Alliances = 3
* All active/passive augments are fully working!
* All flood protections
* Custom LvL up Zone
* Custom Farm Zones ( Drop Adena,Saint Coins)
* Special Boss ( Drop : 4 Ls , 400-500 FA , 2 gb )
* Vote Reward System (Unique)
* Vote reward system (Every 3 votes in Hopzone or Topzone,
* All online players receive an amount of Heart Stones (Vote Item),
used to buy items ingame.
Teleport Protection
* Flagged players can't teleport, creating more pvp action.
* Castle Lord Annoucement
* Heros Annoucement
* Custom Pvp name Colours
***No Donations***
Our Website (Just for one week) :
Our Patch :
http://www.No links to files/?n49o175aw1aa425