--- L2Paradise ---
InformationsNewbie VIP System: All new characters will receive VIP status for 6h! XP: x45
SP: x45
Drop: x25
Spoil: x30
Adena: x55
GrandBoss Jewels Drop: x1
Quest Item Reward: x6
Quest Drop: x8
Starting Adena 10.000
Spawn Protection 30sec
Starting Level 1.
NPC BUFFER with all buffs except resists.
CUSTOM GM SHOP till B grade with basic stuff.
Free TeleportsNormal TeleportsNobless Teleports Buff time is 120min = 2h.
We have fully protected server from L2Tower,Phx,Wallker or other third part program.Additional securyti against DDoS atacks. All Interlude Skill's working 90%.
Interlude Quests done 77%.
Fully Working All Raid/Grand Boss (Include Balanced stats and drop).
Fylly Working Four Sephulcer.
Fully Working Castle Siege.
Fully Working Clan System (Include All Clan Skill's, Clan Hall's,ETC).
Small fee for Class change (1st - 100k Adena. 2nd - 1kk Adena. 3rd - 10kk Adena + 1kk Ancient Adena and for reward you will get Secret Book of Giants).
Sub Class (Free).
Augmentation (Include Full Working Skill's).
A little modificated Olympiad games.
Offline Shop + Craft system.
Players can leave shops and crafts only in store zones!
VIP system. - increase EXP/SP/DROP/QUEST REWARD RATE/ADENA rate by x2.
Buff slots: 20 and 4 additional learn able with divine inspiration books.Olympiad Information Begins 18:00
Ends 00:00
Hero changes every week, at Mondays 00:05!
Date and time showing in chat window.
Enchant Information Enchant System:
Enchant Rate = 70%
Max Enchant +16
Grand Boss Information Grand Boss Respawn:
Queen Ant Respawn Time = 20h + Random 8h.
Core Respawn Time = 33h + Random 8h.
Baium Respawn Time = 112h + Random 16h.
Antharas Respawn Time = 180h + Random 24h.
Raid Boss Respawn Retail (24h).
Exception (Splendor of Flame Barakiel Respawn 6 Hours).
Ingame Commands Command name: .online
Description: Shows online statistics.
Command name: .vip
Description: Shows Remaining VIP status Time.
Command name: .time
Description: Shows real time of server computer (not a game time).
Server Rules 1. There are 2 allowed dualbox characters. If I find more that 3 character per IP, all player accounts will be banned for 7 days.
2. Complain about server features ingame is forbidden. We have forum for that.
3. To use illegal software such as l2phx, l2walker, hlapex and etc is forbidden and players will be banned permanently.
4. All bug reports must go to the forums or in petition channel.
5. All reports must be proved with screenshots or videos.
6. More rules will be added if needed, so play legaly and don't try to cheat!
7. We have a right to change this rules without any information!
Server Start info:Home page:Web: