Our Server is x10, however, we tried as much as possible things remained the retail version.
http://l2hatos.cba.plRate Settings:
Rate XP - x10
Rate SP - x10
Spoil - x10
Manor - x2
Drop Items - x10
Raid Drop - x5
Rate Quest Reward - x3
Adena - x15
Autolearn all skills
Buff 45buff, 15dance/songs (Buff time 2h) Trigger Buffs: 15
3 Subklass
Max Subclass Level 85
40lv get XP with 85lvl
Spoil 85lvl can spoil blue monsters
Max adena 99kkk
No Penalty for: clan, allliance, char delete
Increase Fame on siege on fort and castle (fort-100, castle-250)
Maximum fame for character 500000
No quest for transform, and subklass.
Easy to get clan points:
1. Take Fort Points = 500
2. Take Castle Points = 2500
3. Complete Academy = 1000
4. Kill Ballista = 250
Number of clan members needed to increase clan level = 1 for all levels ;-)
Hero every 15 days. (Required number of participants Class-4, non-class-6), 20PM Olimpiad Start
Minimal olimpiad maches = 15
Oly Enchant limit = +12
Slots for Sell/Buy = 8
Other Feature:
Auto Vote Reward
GM-Shop, Buffer, Teleport (Global Gatekeeper with all Towns & Areas & Gracia Areas & much more usefull areas.), Ranking Manager, Event manager
Main Town - GIRAN with all important NPC, Merchants etc...
All H5 Location's work's !
Skill's work's 100%
Max element - 7lv
Max Enchant +21
Safe Enchant +4
Enchant Normal scroll chance - 66 %
Enchant Blessed scroll chance - 70%
Mana potions
Drop KE on Fortress increased
PVP/PK - Announce
PvP/Pk - Title olor change system
Player can use merchant and blacksmith at anytime
Enter HellBound without quest
Vitality: Herbs,Freya Event,Gift Of Vitality
Offline shop's and crafter's avalible. (Just swich off the game.)
Enable change password, command: .changepassword
Enable Wedding: partner's teleport = 30sec
Useful Command; .menu .teletocl. .castlemanager .gotolove=30sec)
PC Bang Points System
All talismans working as they should.
Server Auto Restart at 00:00.
Anti-DDoS protection
Auto Events:
We have many events where our players can spend time and get nice rewards. The Event Engine is powered by Nexus Event Engine.
Freya Celebration
Gift Of Vitality
Heavy Medal
Elpy Invasion
Rabbit Event
Race Event
TvT Team vs Team
CTF Capture The Flag
DM Death Mach
Double Domination
Last Man Standing
Lucky Chests
Simon Says
Russian Rulette
Bomb Fight
Raid Event
Epic Raid's:
Beleth: min players = 18 , respawn = 148h
Queen Ant: respawn = 36h
Antharas: respawn = 264h
Valakas: respawn = 264h
Core: respawn = 60h
Orfen: respawn = 48h
Frintezza: min players = 18, min lv = 80
Freya Normal: min players = 11, maximum players = 18, min lv = 82
Freya Hardcore: min players = 18, max players = 45, min lv = 82
Zaken Daytime 55lv: min players = 9
Zaken Daytime 83lv: min players = 9, min lv = 78
Zaken Nighttime: min players = 9
Chamber of Delusion
Seed of Destruction
Seed of Infinity
Kamaloka instaces
Pailaka instances
Crystal Caverns Tower of Naia
Steel Citadel
Tully's Workshop
Hellbound Town
Dark Cloud Mansion
7s Epic Quests
Zaken Normal and Hard
Freya Easy and Hard
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=12071.0