www.l2.czechgamers.net Rates
XP: 8x
SP: 8x
Party XP: 1.4x
Adena: 8x (70% chance - retail)
Quest Rates
Quest XP: 5x
Quest SP: 5x
Quest Adena: 5x (DE quest is 1x)
Drop/Spoil Rates
Drop 8x chance , 1x amount (if chance exceeds 100%, amount increases by proper number)
Spoil 8x chance , 1x amount (if chance exceeds 100%, amount increases by proper number)
Raid Boss drop rates
Raid boss - 2x chace 1x amount
Epic boss - 1x chance 1x amount
olympiad period - first month will be retail period (1 month, 300k ngp for hero)
next periods will be halfed (15 days, 150k ngp for hero)
Castle siege
14days cycle (retail)
7 signs
1.2.2013 - 4.2.2013 - registration
4.2.2013 - 11.2.2013 - Spam is not allowed
7days cycle (retail)
Partial quest settings:
FoG - torches 70% chance 1 item
IT - relics 70% chance 1-2 item (depending on mob)
Varka/Ketra - retail chance 2 items (badges and manes)
Pagan/MoS - 70% chance 4 items
Giants Cave lvl1 - 50% chance to drop 4 parchments
Giants Cave lvl2 - 40% chance to drop 4 ancient books
TOI - parchments retail chance 4 items
Stakato nest - 40% chance 1 item
Quest in Shrine of L. (700) - 100% chance 1 item (retail)
Hot Spring - retail
Supplier of Reagents (LINK)
BS - pouch 100% chance 2 items
TOI 7 - pouch 68% chance 4 items
TOI 11 - box 44,2% chance 4 items
TOI 5 - demons blood 72,9% chance 5 items
www.l2.czechgamers.netLinkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=12188.0