Welcome To L2Warrios x30 New Season.
Grand Opening: 25.02.2013 [18:00] GMT+1
Server beta Opening: 18.02.2013 [18:00] GMT+1
Ayudanos con la publicidad... habra aio buffer para el clan con mas de 10 Usuarios el dia de la apertura.
Help with advertising ... there will aio buffer for the clan with over 10 members of the opening day.
www.l2warrios.comwww.l2warrios.com/forumGeneral Information
Here you were finding all the information of the Server.
RateXp = 30.00.
RateSp = 30.00.
RatePartyXp = 2.00.
RatePartySp = 2.00.
RateDropAdena = 40.00.
RateDropItems = 20.00.
RateDropSealStones = 1.00.
RateDropSpoil = 15.00.
Safe Enchant = 1,100;2,100;3,100;4,50;5,50;6,50;7,50;8,50;9,50;10,50;11,50;12,50;13,50;14,50;15,50;16,50;
Max. Enchant = +16
Enchant's Normal = 50%
Enchant's Blessed = (60,70,80,90)% ( If it breaks it returns to +0)
Note: (Normal PLayer's can obtain articles been charmed with by means of the game and his effort.)
NPC's Custom
GLobal GK (Catacumbs)
Class Master
NPC Weddings
NPC Buffer
NPC Protector
Between others
Item's Custom
Not Items Customs
Zonas Custom
Not zones Custom
DM (randoms)
TvT (Every 1 hors) Schedules (GMT-04:30)
Announce Pk
GM/Admin's events
Vote Reward (You reward all the Players with Warrios-Event)
Between others.
Note: (To take part legally in the events of the server.)
Quest no Need for Class change
Quest no Need for Subclass
Noblesse questable/buyable
Buffs/Buff Time - 1h
NPC Buffer normal
NPC Buffer shemes
Mana potions
All caste/clan hall work
Skills 100% working
Dualbox is allowed.
Flawless geodata
GM Shop up to B-Grades
GM Shop trading SealStones
Global Gatekeeper
Olympiad period : 2 weeks
Olympiad min players: 9 (Non-Classed)
Olympiad min players: 5 (Classed)
Autolearn skills
NPC changing classes
Merchant of Mammon in town
Blacksmith of Mammon in town
Max buff amount: 24 (+4)
Friendly GM Staff
Regular updates Vote rewards : Vote Coins
Enchant rate: 66%
Player's spawn protect: 15 sec
Antibot system
Anti L2Walker/L2Net system
First Olympiad Period 1 week
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=12252.0