L2 Arte Server is now On
Welcome to L2Arte 50x Server
Gracia Epilogue
Server Started on 2.04.2013
* RateXp = 50x
* RateSp = 50x
* RatePartyXp = 1x
* RatePartySp = 1x
* RateDropAdena = 50x
* RateDropItems = 15x
* RateRaidDropItems = 5x
* RateDropSpoil = 20x
* RateDropManor = 5x
* RateQuestsReward = 10x
* RateDropQuest = 10x
* Barakel Respawn : 6h
* RaidBosses : 12h
* Hellbound FULLY OPERATIONAL. (Easy Quest)
* (GMShop/Buffer)
* (Subclass/Class Master/Clan Manager/Services)
* GmShop C,B Grade
* S/S80 Retail Quest/Craft
* Buffs are 1 hours,
* Full NPC Buffers (buffs/dances/songs),
* Auto learn skills (you get skills after reaching right level),
* Giran as shopping zone (all needed NPCs can be found there),
* Class Changer can be found at Giran
http://l2arte.zxq.net/index-2.htmlLinkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=12978.0