Psychodealers new interlude pvp server! Comming soon!!!
Server info:
- Exp:5000
- Sp:5000
- Adena:5000
- Safe Enchant:5
- Max Enchant Weapon:30
- Max Enchant Armor:25
- Enchant Rate:75%
- Blessed Enchant Rate:100%
- Custom Armor:Apella
- Custom Weapon:(S grade Normal)
- Community board(Announcements,Server info,Top pvp,Top pk,Top Clans,Online players,Buffer,RepairManager,Forum)
- Auto Learn Skills
- Auto Loot
- Buff Time: 3h
- Weigh Limit:Off
- Clan Penalty:Off
- Pvp/pk color system
- New character starting adena:150kk
- New character starting level:80
- Buffs Slot: 30
- Tattoo:1 fighfer, 1 mage
- Olympiad every 1 week
- Augment chance:Difficult
- Sub class system l2off like
- Custom enchant and augment chance every Saturday
- TvT
- Hidde & Seek(New custom auto event)
- Strider Race
- Auto Vote Rewarder(ip protection)
- More events soon!
Beta stage: 5 days(You can login you will have full enchant items to check the pvp balance and skills but after beta stage your items and your char will be destroyed.)
More info-updates soon!
Site(under construction): construction): server will be online for beta stage 10/4/2013