Exp: 5.000
Sp : 5.000
Adena : 5.000
Exp Zones:
Execution Grounds 40-78
Varka 79+
Ketra 79+
Enchant Rates:
Safe : +7
Max : +25
Normal Enchant Scroll Rate: 85%
Crystal Enchant Scroll Rate: 90%
Blessed Enchant Scroll Rate: 95%
After +16 Rate Decreases...
Time (+2 GMT)
18:00 Starts
00:00 Ends
Every Two Weeks Period Ends
Olympiad Is Retail
Custom Zones:
Ice Mechant Cabin (Trainers/NPCs)
Goddard (Trade Town)
Gludin (PVP Town)
Hunters Village (PVP Town)
Forbidden Gateway (Farm Zone)
Cave Of Trials (Farm Zone)
Custom Armors:
Tier 1.
Titanium Set (More P.Def, Less P.Atk)
Dread Set (More P.Atk, Less P.Def)
Tier 2.
Dynasty Set
Tier 3.
Rykros Set
Dragonic Demonic Set
Custom Weapons:
Tier 1.
Tier 2.
Dynasty Weapons
Tier 3.
Legendary Weapons
Tier 4.
Relic Weapons
We Have Also:
Custom Accesories
Relic Jewels
Custom And Relic Tattoos
Farming Items:
Beleth's Silver Dragon:
1. Can be obtained by mobs in COT/FG.
Beleth's Not allowed Dragon:
1. Exchange 50 Silver for 1 Not allowed.
2. Exchange 1 Pure Silver for 10 Golds.
3. Can be obtained by mobs in COT/FG.
True Not allowed:
1. Exchange 1 billion Adena for 1 True Not allowed. 2. Exchange 1 Pure Silver for 10 True Not allowed.
3. Can be obtained by mobs in COT/FG.
Pure Silver:
1. Can be obtained by mobs in COT/FG.
2. By Events.
Event - Medal:
1. Exchange 5 Pure Silver for 1 Event Medal.
2. Can be obtained by mobs in COT/FG.
3. By Events.
Event - Glittering Medal:
1. Exchange 5 Event - Medals for 1 Event - Glitteging Medal
2. Can be obtained by mobs in COT/FG.
3. By Events.
Star Diamond:
1. Can be obtained only by RaidBosses.
Star Destiny:
1. Can be obtained only by RaidBosses.
PVP Color System:
100 PVP: Blue Name - Trade Chat
250 PVP: Pink Name
500 PVP: Green Name
750 PVP: Yellow Name
1000 PVP: Cyan Name - Global Chat
1250 PVP: Orange Name
1500 PVP: Purple Name
1750 PVP: Black Name
2000 PVP: Red Name
All Towns & Castles Have Full NPCs:
Item Store,
Luxury Shop,
Class Changer,
Global Gatekeeper,
Monument Of Heroes,
Grand Olympiad Manager,
And Also Siege Messenger!
http://l2-avenue.wix.com/site#!features/c2414Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=13322.0