Welcome to Ancient Gods Servers!
We would like to invite you to play on servers Ancient Gods. Our files are very good and we have a stable machine so there is no problem with bugs and lag! We know that it is very important for every player!
We are an international team. Work on the server is not over for us! We are very happy that we can still work on the server. We have a lot of ideas and energy. We are rubbing on players.
Join us today! Together let's create the perfect war!
Main Page
http://l2ancientgods.eu/Forum index.php
Rate Info
*Rate Xp = 25.00
*Rate Sp = 25.00
*Rate Party Xp = 2.00
*Rate Party Sp = 2.00
*Rate Drop Adena = 25.00
*Rate Drop Items = 15.00
*Rate Spoil = 15.00
*Rate Drop Quest = 10.00
*Rate Quests Reward = 10.00
*Grand Boss Drop x2
*Raid Boss Drop x10
Enchant Rate:
*Normal Scroll - 66%
*Blessed Scrool - 66%
*Max Enchant Weapon +16
*Max Enchant Armor +16
*Masx enchant Jevel +16
General Info
*Auto learn skills
*Auto Loot
*No need Quest for Class change
*No Need Quest for Subclass
*Max Subclasses: 3
*Noblesse questable/buyable
*Oly Priod 2 Week's
*Dualbox Allowed
*Gm Shop up to B grade
*Mana Potion
*Max buff slot 36
*Max debuff slot 6
*Blacksmith & Merchant Mammons in Giran
*Offline trade/craft/shops
*Champion Mob's
*Active Admin's/GM's
*Many Event's
*Siege Working 100%
*Clan Hall Siege Working 100%
*Frintezza 100% working
Custom NPC:
Event - Medal Trader
GM Shop
Vote Shop
Global GK
International GM Staff
Stable Server
Low Ping
Full Anti-Hack/PhP Protection
Full Geodata
Server side Protections
Regular updates !
24/7 Online!
Intel Bi Xeon E5606 2x4x2.13+ GHz
2x 8 MB L2 - QPI 2x 4.8 GT/sec
HDD 2x 3TB - SATA3
Internet 1Gbps
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=13432.0