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Enchant Simple 70%
Enchant Blessed 80%
Enchant Crystal 90%
Safe enchant 3 (Full 4)
Max enchant on weapon 16
Max enchant on armor and Jewelry 12
Augmentation skill chance 10%
Server: C6 server- with custom modificationsCustomsIn every important town, we have placed out NPC Buffers, GM shops and custom Gatekeepers.
The buffs last for 2 hour and they are free of charge.
When you create a new character you will spawn in the Goddard Tower and you will have to buy B grade and start to play.
As you reach level 76 you can go to Town and speak to the 3rd Class Changer.
Edited zones and mobs for farming.
Custom Clanhall fuction for PvP server.
Castle owners with some special items.
Champion mobs system two types.
PvP color system.
Off Shop system.
Buffs 26 + 4
Farm systemOnce you start game you can start farm. In every zone mobs drops adena and custom drop it's depends on zone type:
Varka is for S grade armors, IT is for Guns, Hot Springs for Jewelry, FOG enchants, Ketra custom staff for SA and unseal, MOS adena only.
All S grade items is craftable you can spoil parts it is realy easy or try to get from drop(less chance), recipes is form drop.
For nobbles you shoud make 3 and 4 parts of Quest
All Raid Bosses is included in Goddard and Rune Towns with edited drops but place is retail.