
Author Topic: new interlude faction server 7.06.2013  (Read 2170 times)

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    new interlude faction server 7.06.2013
    « on: June 05, 2013, 10:22:20 PM »
    Salut. Pe 7 iunie se deschide un nou server interlude faction pvp. e asemanator cu gve. pentru cei interesati : l2ovc.com. Eu am jucat pe beta si e foarte apropiat de retail ca si damage skills etc si adminii sunt foarte seriosi si raspund imediat la sugestii bugs si alte chestii pe forum. pe beta au fost intre 40 si 100 de oameni on. acum incercam cu totii sa facem reclama. serverul e chiar bun, merita incercat. www.l2ovc.com bafta!

    Server features:

    * Two factions: Order and Chaos.
    * Faction choosable when creating a new character.
    * Adena, exp and sp rewarded from pvp kills and flag capturing.
    * Faction teleporter with the ability to teleport to faction's locations.
    * No CTRL needed !
    * Automatic event engine every 40 minutes with special rewards.
    * Anti-Farm system.
    * Vote reward system every certain amount of votes.
    * All epic bosses are level 80.
    * Special farm zones for dwarf to farm for materials to craft S-grade weapons and armors.
    * All new players start at level 70.
    * Mana potions allowed with reuse.
    * 100% working auguments.
    * Enchants scrolls drop from flag guards.
    * 100% balanced gameplay and economical system.
    * Buffs will not dissapear after death
    * Title system, every 50 kills players will earn better ingame titles
    * Adena reward from killing enemy faction players - more adena gained when killing players under killing spree.
    * Players cannot buff and heal enemies, healers get rewarded for healing and resurrecting friendly players
    * Olympaid period 2 weeks, retail like olympiad (people fight regardless of their faction)
    * Unstuck 20 seconds and will teleport player to his base according to faction.
    * Shops disabled.
    * Augmenter NPC
    * Full AIO Buffer
    * Clan reputation item - buyable for adena in GM shop
    * Noble item - buyable in GM shop for adena and MSS (noble farming zone)
    * Divine inspiration books - level 1-2 buyable in GM shop, level 3 from grand bosses and level 4 from hero
    * MP potions and CP potions are enabled.
    * Buff duration 4 hours
    * In case you get cancelled, buffs will come back after 7 seconds
    * Necromancers cannot buff their pets (Avoid being OP)
    * Anti buff skill enabled
    * Skill enchanter NPC
    * Special GateKeeper reward for capturing zones.
    * Summoning skills are removed from the game.
    * GM shop - B grade items free (excluding enchants), A grade for adena and S grade for materials and adena (Spoilers farming zone)
    * Killing spree messages
    * 24 + 4 buff slots
    * A faction cannot have more than 10% players than enemy faction
    * Faction changer NPC.
    * Special map system with voting for next map and a couple of map types.
    * Aamzing balance modifications.
    * No weight limit.
    * 5 Seconds spawn protection.
    * 66% normal enchant rate, 75% blessed enchant rate
    * Safe enchant +3 max +16
    * Subclasses start at level 70.
    * Special enchant zone.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=13761.0

