Experience: 5000x
Skill Points: 5000x
Adena Drop: 5000x
Item Drop: 1x
Safe Enchant: +20
Max Enchant: +20
Normal Scroll: 100%
100% Uptime
Retail-Like Systems
Auto-Learn Skills.
Wedding System.
Clan System.
Clan Hall System.
No Clan Penalty.
Castle Siege System.
No Weight Penalty.
No Grade Penalty.
Retail-Like Olympiad System.
Sub-Class System.
Noblesse System.
Noblesse Skills 100% Working.
Hero System.
Hero Skills 100% Working.
Duel System.
Augmentation System.
Augmentation Skills Active And Passive 100% Working.
Retail-Like Enchant Skills System.
Fishing System.
Spawn Protection 20 sec.
Cursed Weapons Zariche and Akamanah 100% Working.
Raid Bosses Respawned Daily.
Class Changing System.
Custom Features.
Worldwide Gatekeeper, In cluding All the Custom Zones.
Special Armor.
Custom Mask.
Custom Shield.
Customized Dungeons.
Balanced Classes.
Custom Farm Zones.
Customized Raid Bosses - Auto Spawned at specific Time.
Announcement of the top enchanted items.
Announcement of kills in a row.
Special settings to protect the server from corruption.
Custom reputation item.
Teleport protection from flagged players.
Custom Vote Reward System.
Vote Reward System: Hopzone/Topzone.
Reward: Every 5 Votes 5 Vote Item.
http://l2magmus.zxq.net/Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=13814.0