Hello guys and gals!
I'd like to present our new Lineage 2 - High Five server project.
First, the common informations:
Safe Enchant: 7
Max Enchant: Unlimited (65535)
Exp Rate: x15
Sp Rate: x15
Enchant Rates:
Normal - 66%
Blessed - 85%
Crystal - 100%
+ Special Event-Enchants - 98% Success
Party Exp: x2
Drop: x20
Raid Drop: x3
Adena: x80
GM Shop till S grade
Noblesse buyable
Offline Trade / Craft enabled
S80/S84 Craftable (moderate difficulty - not farming retail-like)
High Crafting-Exp
Custom Champion-drops
Buffer with basic buffs
Active staff
Clan-migration special (See forums)
We are a mid-rate server with some retail-like influence. We are not giving away stuff for free like some high rate servers, you got to work for your gear here.
Good thing about this: You can be proud about everything you achieve, and it's not "retail". You don't farm 300 hours for one armor part.
However, we paid attention on one important thing: Every class should be usefull. That's the reason we doesn't have 3 hours bufftime and you need a dwarf to craft your endgame-gear.
And that's basically it. We're constantly growing and developing, so that's not the "end". We haven't got much custom-stuff, and we won't ever have it.
If you want to join, we are looking forward to meet you. ^_^
Administrator - DarkBlackX
Administrator / Developer - Kayuko
L2 DremolusNote: We are currently not looking for any more GM's or Developers. Don't even bother asking.
Made some minor changes:
Changed Bufftime to 1 hour. (Except Pride of Kamael)
Added "Victory of Pa'agrio","Eye of Pa'agrio" and "Pa'agrio's Fist" to the Npc-Buffer
Added Weapons to GM Shop
Dark Legion's Edge (Non-SA) [Crafting Purpose]
Samurai Long Sword (Focus)
Samurai Long Sword (Critical Damage)
Samurai Long Sword (Haste)
Changed droprates:
Drop changed from 1 to 20
Spoil changed from 1 to 20
Champreward changed from 80 to 20
Adena changed from 10 to 80
Changed the D-Grade dual from GM Shop to the best one.
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=13939.0