Server Website Website / SP= 40x
PartyXp = 1.2
Adena = 50x
Drop = 20x
Spoil = 15x
Quest = 10x
Manor = 2x
Rb drop = 10x
Grandboss drop = 1x
- N grade to B grade
- (A/S grade is craftable)
- Mats / Recipes shop
- Vote shop (just basic things)
NPC Buffer + VIP Buffer
Scheme buffer
- Bufftime 2 Hrs (pet buffs 5mins)
- 26+4 Buffslots
- autolearn (not divine inspiration)
- spellbooks drop - deleted
NPC Delevel (deleting skills that are not propriete for current level)
NPC Password Changer
NPC Wedding manager
NPC Nickname color manager
NPC Title color manager
NPC Clan reputation manager
New Pets with Malaria / Flu / Cholera buffs
Weight limit Increased
Anti-heavy system - Chars are not able to wear armors without propriete passive skills
Special NOTrade zones - noone is able to trade near GK
Special PVP Rank system - you can get Ranks + Reward for killing flaged ppl or PKs
Automatic Events - CFG, TVT, DM, Quiz + Gm events (rullete, dice championship...)
Subclass - Free - without quest
Nobless - Caradine letter lvl 65 (500kk + 500 MSS) - you have to kill the barakiel
Safe +3 (fullparts +4)
Max +16
Chance normal 55%
Chance blessed 60%
Special item system
Every 5 votes = 5 Special Reward Chest (with random reward ,adena,aa,lifestones,special coin, champion medals.
Every Champion drops 1 medal - You can trade 1000 medals for 1 Special item
Zero hour - 3x reward
1+1 augments (1active + 1passive / 1 chance)
Nuker augements - 3 sec Reuse
No grade stone - 3 %
Mid grade stone - 5 %
High grade stone - 10 %
Top grade stone - 15 %
All Raidbosses has retail stats
Classic Raidbosses respawn - 20-24 hrs
Barakiel respawn - 5-6Hrs (75lvl)
Grandbosses (fully workin):
Core 20+1
Queen Ant 22+2 (Characters 49+ lvl cant across the river)
Orfen 26+2 (Characters 59+ lvl cant enter to orfen lair)
Zaken 40+4 (Characters 69+ lvl cant enter his lair)
Frintezza 48+6
Baium 72+3
Antharas 96+3
Valakas 108+3