
Author Topic: [Interlude L2j]Clorian No Custom Server  (Read 1030 times)

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    [Interlude L2j]Clorian No Custom Server
    « on: July 11, 2013, 05:52:20 PM »
    - RateXp = 10000.
    - RateSp = 10000.
    - RatePartyXp = 5000.
    - RatePartySp = 5000.
    - RateDropAdena = 10000.
    - RateConsumableCost = 1.
    - RateDropItems(Karma) = 20.
    - RateDropSealStones = 1.
    - RateDropSpoil = 1.
    - RateDropManor = 1.

    Enchant Rates:
    - Safe Enchant = +3.
    - Weapon Max Enchant = +16.
    - Armor Max Enchant = +16.
    - Jewels Max Enchant = +16.
    - Normal Scroll Enchant Rate = 66%.
    - Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate = 100%.
    - Success Life Stone Rate = 30%.
    - Augment Skills (One Active Or One Passive).

    - 48 Buff Slots.
    - 28 Song Dance Slots.
    - 3 Debuff Slots.
    - Total Buffs Slots = 76 + 3 D-Buffs!
    - Retail Like.
    - Olympiad Cycle = 1 Week.
    - Newbie Tattoo's ( P.Defence )
    - Castrol Tattoo ( 10% HP/CP/MP ).
    - Anti Buff Shield ( AUTO ON FARM ZONES ).
    - Pc Bang Points ( You can buy every think on special gm shop ).
    - Primeval Island (PvP) and Farm Areas (3) .
    - Voting Announcements. Every 3 mins the players get notified about the server's votes in Hopzone.
    - Farm You can collect Coins From ALL FARM ZONES(s) ( EASY FARM ).
    - When you create a new char you start from Custom Starting Area.
    - Offline Traders.
    - Killing Spree System.
    - Cancel Skill: After 15Sec you receive back your loosing buffs. (NEW)
    - After your death a panel is showing up and shows the person that killed you and his stats.(e.x Enchant's, Hp, Cp, Mp.) (NEW)
    - C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 98%
    - Protection to avoid illegal actions.
    - No Weight.
    - 18 Hours All buffs.
    - Some resists are decreased.(Resist Fire/Water/Wind/Poison And Unholy/Holy Resistance)
    - Giran Main Town.
    - Easy Farm and enchants.
    - Easy Nobless.
    - Fishing.
    - Seven Signs.
    - Castle Sieges.
    - Clan Hall Sieges.
    - Noblesses & Heroes System.
    - Max Level 80.
    - All Quests.
    - Clan Wars.
    - C5/Interlude Clan System.
    - Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights).
    - Cursed weapons.
    - Weapon Augmentations.
    - Dueling System.
    - All C4/C5/Interlude Skills.
    - DualBox allowed.
    - 100% Retail like gameplay without any customs.
    - Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes.
    - Active and experienced development/GMteam!
    - No corruptions!
    - Not used accounts will be deleted after 2 months.
    - Anti Heavy System.
    - Custom Enchant Skills.
    - Auto-Learn Skills.
    - New character start with 500kk adena.
    - Sub-Class Without Quest.
    - Max Subclasses = 20.
    - Max Subclasses Level = 80.
    - Max Alliances = 3.
    - Retail-Like Enchant Skills System.
    - Max Runspeed = 500.
    - Max A.speed = 1500.
    - Max C.speed = 2000.
    - Max Evasion = 220.
    - Character inventory slots = 250.
    - PvP/PK zone = Primeval Isle (with random respawn).
    - Unstuck Command = 20 sec.
    - Anti Buff Shield.
    - Unique Cansellation Skill.
    - Npc Crest For Castles.
    - PvP Name Color System.(500/1000/1500/2500/5000)
    - PK Title Color System.(500/1000/1500/2500/5000)
    - NO LAG!!!
    - 100% Uptime.

    Player Commands:
    - Not allowed Bar System (.deposit - .withdraw).
    - Repair Manager for DeBug (.repair).
    - Online Players And GM's (.online).
    - Pm on / off (.pmon / .pmoff).
    - Trade on / off (.tradeon / .tradeoff).

    - CTF (Gives Event Coins).
    - TvT (Gives Event Coins)
    - GM Events

    Custom Npc's:
    - Roy The Cat.
    - Symbol Maker.
    - Maximilian.(All Subclasses)
    - Normal Gatekeeper.
    - Full Buffer.(NEW)
    - Siege Manager.
    - Anti Pk.
    - Olympiad Manager.
    - Weeding Manager.
    - Global GM Shop.
    - Special GM Shop.
    - Top Stats Manager.(PvP/Pk/Clan/Online)
    - Server Info.
    - Siege Informer.
    - Skill Enchanter.
    - Augmenter.
    - Vote Manager.
    - Account Manager.
    - Warehouse.

    Custom Coin's:
    - Coin.
    - Vote Stone.
    - Event Coin.
    - Clan Reputation Item.

    Website: lc-gaming.net

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=14182.0

