Welcome to Lineage ][ ByPasS
We are open 01.08.2013
web site:
www.l2bypass.tkresenting new high rate (1000x) pvp server. Based on L2J (java). Come and be the best one!
L2ByPass 1000x
Exp: 1000x
SP: 1000x
Adena: 1200x
Drop: 2x
Spoil: 1x
Server Modifications
Custom Character Title
Hero skills for subclasses if you will stay hero for 3 times in a row
Dagger classes damage balanced
.pmoff command (message refusal)
.tradeoff command (trade refusal)
.away command
Clan leader title color enabled
PvP and PK color system enabled
Low level protection (only people with the same grade can PvP/PK)
Dagger and archer classes cant use heavy armors
And many more...!
Grand Olympiad starts at 4:00 PM and ends at 12:00 PM (GMT +2)
Max Weapon Enchant: +25
Max Armor Enchant: +25
Max Jewellery Enchant: +25
Safe +6
Simple Scroll Enchant Rates 75%
Bessed Scroll Enchant Rates 80%
Crystal Scroll Enchant Rates 95%
3 Subclasses
GM Shop (from B grade)
Custom Item Shop (3 levels)
Custom Misc Shop (RB Jewels, Tattoo, Crystal Scrolls, Wings)
Dyes Shop
Augmentations NPC
Skill Enchant NPC
Raid Boss Halisha (for clan skill items)
3 Mini Raid Bosses
Global GK
NPC Buffer
Buff Time 1 Hour
Class Changer
No Noblesse Quest
No Profession quests
No Sub-Class Quest
No Grade Penalty
Castle Siege (Gludio only)
Sub-class protection
Multisell protection
Demonic Weapons (1st level)
Epic Weapons (2nd level)
ByPass Weapons (3rd level)
Dynasty Armors (1st level)
Epic Armors (2nd level)
ByPass Armors (3rd level)
12 Wings
Baium Hair
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=14344.0