
Author Topic: [sell] L2j Freya Pack Highly modified and fully working for a server  (Read 3405 times)

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    Since I scrapped my Freya server and moved onto hi5, This pack is pretty pointless for me now,
    so I'm going to sell it.

    This Pack is based on L2j Freya Last Stable Rev I believe.

    Code: [Select]
    Anti Dual Box system
    Anti Feed PvP/Clan Rep System
    Anti Olympiad feed System
    Standard TvT
    PvP/Pk Announcements
    Configurable Announce Hero Login
    Siege End reward System
    Vote reward system for hopzone/Topzone
    Custom Spawn Location Engine
    Custom Start Title
    Custom Subclass Level
    Custom Start Level
    PvP/Pk awarding System
    Hero Status until Login System
    Full Geodata + Pathnode
    Reworked 80% of the skills from L2j
    Castle Sieges/Olympiad fully Working
    Community Board Fully Working
    All Quests working
    Special Farm areas made
    Special Boss Zones made- Going through only with a Pass


    Full GM shop up to Dynasty(can have it to vorporal if you wish I have all multisells)
    Buffer By Nevermore v2 With Edited Html's
    Item enchanter
    Augument Manager
    Top PvP/PK manager
    Teleporter with Kingdoms, Farm Zones, Boss Zones
    Code: [Select]
    # Announce Hero Login                                          -
    # Announce Hero Name At Login
    # This sctipt will announce when Hero login.
    AnnounceHeroLogin = True
    #       Vote Reward System   =
    #Set it "True" if you want to Enable Vote Reward System.
    EnableVoteReward = False

    #If you enable Vote Reward System you must fill your Html Patch.
    #e.g. VoteHtmlPatch = http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/moreinfo/yourserver/65487.htm
    # Html Patch for Your Vote Site
    # Works with HopZone/HopZones/TopZone and other HopZone Like
    ServerNameForVotes = L2ServerName

    VoteHtmlPatch =

    VoteReward1Count = 1000

    VoteReward2Count = 1000

    VoteReward1Id = 57

    VoteReward2Id = 57

    VotesForReward = 5

    #Max amount of reward items that you want to stop reward
    #the player that have more than "MaxRewardCountForStack".
    MaxRewardCountForStackItem1 = 2000000000

    MaxRewardCountForStackItem2 = 2000000000

    #DelayForNextReward in seconds
    DelayForNextReward = 600

    # Allows user to use .online Command
    # Displays The Number of The Players That are Currently Online.
    # Default : False
    OnlinePLayers = True

    #        Custom Start Title         =
    # Set this option to true to enable custom titles on new chars.

    CharTitle = True

    CharAddTitle = *L][Desciples*

    # AltFlagedPlayerCanUseGK
    AltFlagedPlayerCanUseGK = True

    # Olympiad allow matches from same ip
    AltOlySameIp = True

    # Set true for custom spawn location.
    CustomSpawn = True

    SpawnX = -86415

    SpawnY = 135489

    SpawnZ = -3133

    # SUBCLASS Custom

    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    # Costum PVP/PK settings
    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    # Costum pvp/pk message
    # after pvp: "Good fight,enemy pwned:)"
    # after pk: "Nice kill!You are so dangerous!"
    AllowCostumPvPMessage = True

    # Pvp reward system
    AllowPvpRewardSystem = True

    # Pvp reward itemId
    PvpRewardItem = 5570

    # Pvp reward amount
    PvpRewardAmount = 20

    # Pk reward system
    AllowPkRewardSystem = False

    # Pk reward itemId
    PkRewardItem = 57

    # Pk reward amount
    PkRewardAmount = 1

    # Allow the default PK system(+1 pk,+karma)
    UseDefaultSystem = True

    # Allow costum pk system (pvp point for pk,no karma)
    # UseDefaultSystem need to be False!
    UseCostumSystem = False

    # Allow custom starting lvl default:false
    AllowCustomStartLvl = True

    #Custom Start lvl for 85 lvl and 100% put 86
    CustomStartLvl = 20

    # ---------------------------------------------- #
    # Hero Status (until restart) for kills System
    # ---------------------------------------------- #
    # Enabled Hero status for kills? (Default: False)
    HeroStatusForKills = False

    # Kills (PvP+PK) for Hero Status (Default: 20)
    HeroStatusForKillsCount = 20

    # Death for removed Hero Status (Default: 2)
    DeleteHeroStatusDeathCount = 2

    # Classes balance
    # Note:
    #Class: Too long...
    #Damage: Current damage emperor to 2
    # ClassID 90 = Phoenix Knight
    ClassID = 90

    WeaponType = DAGGER

    Damage = 2

    #Author TheEnd
    NameColorSystem = False

    NameColor = 808080

    # This is the amount of goldbars that a new character starts their character with.
    # Default: 0
    StartingGBCount = 0

    # This is the id of goldbars
    # Default : 3470
    StartingGBId = 3470

    #Exp and SP Award System By Cobra
    # 0 Is by Default!
    AddExpAtPvp = 0

    AddSpAtPvp = 0

    # PK protection
    # Disables attacking char if the attacker's lvl minus victim's lvl is over
    # specified difference and the target is not flagged. For example, if you want
    # to disable PK'ing chars that are more than 20 lvls below attacker's lvl, set
    # the value to 20. Setting the value to 0 disables the feature.
    DisableAttackIfLvlDifferenceOver = 0

    # If player has more than specified number of PKs in the monitored period,
    # he/she is automatically punished. If set to zero, this feature is disabled.
    PunishPKPlayerIfPKsOver = 0

    # For what period (in seconds) the PKs should be monitored
    PKMonitorPeriod = 3600

    # Punisment type:
    #   jail - char will be jailed
    PKPunishmentType = jail

    # Punishment length (in seconds)
    # If punishment type is jail then the punishment period should be divisable by
    # 60 as jail punishment is counted in minutes
    PKPunishmentPeriod = 3600

    EnableAutoVoteEngine = False

    AutoVoteEngineSaveLoad = True

    Some of the codes that I added, more are in the pack !

    You can either have with the npcs or just a clean one with the custom configs and the reworked skills that I made.

    Here are some of the skills that I reworked:

    Chance of Bluff In PvP- Decreased initial turning rate, however increased the stunning success rate.
    Cancellation (PvP skill/ Non PvP)- Decreased initial landing rate
    Added 2% more reuse on all mages skills.
    Decreased Tanks initial Damage by 2%
    Decay/Fear/Titans stuns= Decreased landing rate by 5%
    Switch/Trick/Blinding blow- Increased landing Rate by 2%

    For more changes to skills just pm me or skype , pm me for that

    Pack + Source + Geodata + Pathnode - 30 Euros

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=14352.0
    « Last Edit: July 30, 2013, 05:58:09 AM by L2netherworld »



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      updated, and price added


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