www.l2rainbow.comGRAND OPENING TODAY (1/08/13) at 18:00 GMT +1
Lineage 2 Rainbow is a project that try to bring back to life old PvP concepts that were very famous during the past. It has been though by experienced Lineage 2 players that want to experience something new, but at the same time that bring us to our best memories.
On this server you start at maximum level and with all the free gear you need. Subclases are also instant maximum level and without quest. The objective is to enchant your equipment as far as you can in order to beat the other players and eventually defeat the most powerful monsters on the server and claim yourself the king of the Tower of Insolence.
Here you don't have to level up since you start at level 85 and all your subclasses will also start at level 85.
Regarding to the SP the rates are x5000
All the drops are custom and the main currency is adena, you won't need anything else since you can adquire it from the GMShop.
Normal Scroll - 90%
Crystal Scroll - 95%
Blessed Scroll - 100%
Safe - +10
Max - No limit
NPC buffer with all the buffs and community system with everything you need.
Newbie Zone
This is a peace zone, so you cannot kill anyone or flag inside. Since it's though for new players the monsters are weak so you can easily kill them with +0 to +10 gear (safe). Because of this reason the rewards aren't very high.
Tower of Insolence
This is the main PvE zone and it's not Peace zone, as the Newbie Zone was. The monsters here are divided in different tiers, located in each floor of the tower. Therefore, the higher the floor is, the stronger are the moobs. Being the First Floor the equivalent to Newbie Zone but giving double reward, since it's not Peace Zone. After that, the monsters strenght and the rewards increase dramatically with each floor
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=14388.0