Lineage 2 Tales - Story Begins
L2Tales is an currently most popular x20 server in europe, and east, Server began with beeing international and now it got this point where we have players from every corner, France, Bulgaria, Greece, Russia, Germany, Holland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Poland, Spain and many more countries.
We worked hard to keep server balanced at Night & day time, so different timezone players can enjoy the gameplay , and have fun with other online player's, till now i must say WE SUCCSEEDED, currently our statistics Show:
GMT +2
- 12:00 = 3000 Online
- 15:00 = 5000 Online
- 17:00 = 6000 Online
- 21:00 = 7500 Online
- 24:00 = 6800 Online
- 03:00 = 5200 Online
- 06:00 = 4100 Online
- 09:00 = 3400 OnlinePS: Our server can keep over 10 000 players online , server machine got installed 64GB RAM memory
- 100% Private Source platform High Five.
- Fully authentic and correct gameplay.
- Quests/Instances/Skills correctly reworked.
- No premium accounts affecting rates.
- Bonus Gifts by mailbox per levels..
- Buffer Support/ IG Shop till S Grade/Mammons.
- 1st/2nd/3rd Class Changer available.
- Lameguard software for botting protection.
- Anti-ddos protection, preventing attacks, without causing any lag/delay in-game.##Rates:Experience (EXP) x20
Skill Points (SP) x20
Adena x15
Drop Itens x10(Reduced for high recs/pieces)
Quest Experience (EXP) x3
Quest Skill Points (SP) x3
Quest Adena x3
Quest Drop Items x4
Spoil x10
Weight Limit x5
Manor x2
Extract Fish x6##EnchantsSafe Enchant 4
Max. Enchant 16
Normal Scroll chance 55%
Blessed Scroll chance 65%
Elemental Max. Level Level 7
Elemental Stone chance 40%
Elemental Crystal chance 30%##Voiced Commands.control ( varius settings such as exp on/off and more)
.getreward (Voting system with random rewards!!)