Welcome new l2Underworld h5 x25 Grand Open 01.09.2013 at 16:00 gtm +2
http://l2underworld2013.wix.com/l2underworld New items God and CLOACK rate: exp25/sp25 drop 15 spoil 15 adena 15 Npc buff,GM Shop,GlobalGK,PVP System,Event shop,Nobles npc,tvt event
GoD - Items
DDoS Protection
Experience (EXP)25x
Skill Points (SP)25x
RatePartyXp 1.5x
RatePartySp 1,5x
Spoil 15x
Sealstone drop 15x
Quest Experience
(EXP) 10x
Quest Skill Points (SP) 10x
Quest Adena 10x
Quest Drop Items 10x
Weight Limit 20x
Manor 4x
Fishing 5x
Safe Enchant 4
Max. Enchant 20
Normal Scroll chance 60%
Blessed Scroll chance 65%
Elemental Max. Level 7
Elemental Stone chance 50%
Elemental Crystal chance 30%
Elemental Jewel 10%
Scheme buffer
3 hours buff time.
buffs slot 28
dance/song slots 14
Olympiad: 2 week
periods ends at 1 and 15 of all months.
Master items work
Auto loot on
auto loot for raidbosses off
auto learn skills on
Vitality system on
Subclass 4
Free subclass quest
subclass max level 85
offline shops
PvP Color System
Global GK
GM Shop
Up to S-Grade Weapons, Armors and Jewels only
all blacksmiths in giran, MAMMON too
Event Shop
Exchange your event currency for useful items.
Vote Reward.
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=14750.0