
Author Topic: L2MaxCheaters.com L2-OFF Interlude server 01-07-2014  (Read 1744 times)

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    L2MaxCheaters.com L2-OFF Interlude server 01-07-2014
    « on: June 24, 2014, 12:31:27 PM »
    We are glad to announce that the server is ready to launche on 01-07-2014

    About our server:

    L2MxC is international project running official Interlude game files with couple modifications like offline shops for player convenience. It has nothing to do with L2J in any way, shape or form.
    We would like to invite all of you to our server where we guarantee stable, bug free and supportive environment run by experienced team.
    Regarding any questions you might have feel free to use forums or other support options. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Brand new adventure is waiting, don't miss out!

    Server Info:
     - EXP: x35
     - SP: x35
     - Adena: x35
     - Drops: x5
     - Spoil: x5

    Features List:
     - 100% L2OFF Intelude Server Platform.
     - 99% Interlude Drops/NPCs/Items/Quests/Areas.
     - 99% Interlude Geodata.
     - Lag Free!

     - Custom NPCs:
     - NPC Buffers (up to 2nd class Buffs - Also we provide scheme system for faster gameplay).
     - Misc GM Shop. (Dyes/Consumables/Tattoo's/Soul Crystals/Enchant Scrolls)
     - Armor GM Shop (Up to B-Grade with Adena- A/S Grade with 'Ancient Scrolls').
     - Weapon GM Shop. (Up to B-Grade with Adena- A/S Grade with 'Ancient Scrolls').
     - Blacksmith (Special abilities to A/S Weapons / Spam is not allowed-Unseal A/S Armors / Augmenation System )
     - Class Manager (1st/2nd/3rd Class Change with Adena)
     - Subclass Manager (By 4 Raidbosses - 'Cabrio' / 'Kernon' / 'Golgonda' / 'Hallate')
     - Nobless Manager (By 1 Raidboss - 'Barakiel')
     - Ranking NPC (PVP/PK/Raidboss Status)
     - Giran Castle Town is setted as MAIN server town!
     - Custom Area (Monastery of Silence) which Monsters HP is +150%, Attack Power +120% and dropping custom item 'Ancient Scroll' (Needed for A/S Items).
     - Raidboss over 60lvl droping Raid Tokens which can be trade for clan skills and other goods.
     - Custom Tattoo system! (Giving Extra Stats for more PVP Strategy)
     - +200% Weight Limit to all chars!
     - Auto-Learn Skills!
     - Spawn Protection System!
     - Olympiad Cycle changed to 2 weeks.
     - Olympiad top equipment which can be used is A-Grades. (S-Grades Weapons/Armors/Jewels + Epic RB Jewels are forbidden + Max Enchant is +4 Weapons, +6 Armors).
     - Custom anti-feed method at olympiad! (Up to B-Grade equipment is usable into Olympiad Matches).
     - Half Castle Sieges at first week and the other half and second week!
     - Hatching and Strider quests have been disabled!
     - Custom Client side Protection system (Dualboxing limitation, ANTI-BOT, ANTI-HACK engine is installed!)
     - Custom Offline system (2 shops are allowed for every MAC Address)!

    If you have any other suggestion for our server please inform us by sending a pm to any Staff Member!

    Sincere regards from our team L2MxC


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=19504.0
    « Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 12:34:08 PM by JabbaWockee »

