
Author Topic: [WTS] L2OFF Completly Int. Pack  (Read 3028 times)

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    [WTS] L2OFF Completly Int. Pack
    « on: December 08, 2014, 06:59:17 PM »
    What's up guys ?
    I'm gonna sell my project that I worked several months. It is a Interlude L2Off pack, using V' extender.
    I fixed a massive number of quests (ex: Attack Sailren ! or The leader and the follower ). All P.I quests works like it should - retail, Pagan etc. The skills,items are the same,fixed.
    For more information or acces to the test server, just email me or add my contact on the skype : [email protected]

    At command I can make a custom server and sell it like it is.
    Someone who want that kind of stuff, contact me [email protected]

    I'll add one small preview of some what  I done:

    I'm using different names of AI than Vanganth.
    Added the missing quests in P.I,added new npcs ai useful for quests (ex: ulu_kaimu,balu_kaimu,chuta_kaimu), improved the quests already existed.
    These changes was in: ai.obj,npcdata,npcpos,npcpch,quest_pch,quests_pch2,hatmls
    ai.obj: Added the AIs of all missing quests.Added the missing AIs of all npcs-> now all npcs have AIs (ex: velociraptor,tyrannosaurus),fixed and improved.
    I'm using different names of AI than Vanganth files. (my files,ex: velociraptor : party_private_primeval - Vanganth files : velociraptor : warrior_universal ).
    npcdata: added the missing npcs,changed the names of some npcs.
    npcpos: changed all npcs positions to retail, consulting all Lineage2 community stuff. (ex: files,db etc ).
    npcpch: changed the names of some npcs,added missing ones.
    html: added all htms of all npcs,retail ones.
    Defeat the Elrokian Raiders!
    Meeting the Elroki
    The Name of Evil - 1
    Attack Sailren!
    The Name of Evil - 2
    Pagan Tempe:
    Added,changed, fixed the whole Pagan - npcs ( all npcs working very well ).
    Improved the geodata.
    Changes was in: ai.obj,npcdata,html,geodata.

    Changes about quests,npcs ( Added - Fixed ), now works like it should :
    Changes in ai.obj,html,npcdata,npcpos,npcpos,quest_pch2
    The Leader and  the Follower
    Aiding the Floran Village
    Added the Schuttgart parts (ex:Path of the Artisan)
    To Lead and Be Led
    Beyond the Hills of Winter
    Seekers of the Holy Grail
    Grave Robber Annihilation
    Walk of Fate
    Ghosts of Batur
    Guardians of the Holy Grail
    The Other Side of Truth
    An Ice Merchant's Dream
    Seductive Whispers
    A Game of Cards
    Rather Be Collecting Fairy Breath

    About skills,fixed knowed bugged skills (ex:Sand Bomb).
    Changes: skilldata
    This isn't the whole list,these are only some examples.The whole pack is still available.

    At command I can make a custom server ( L2OFF Vanganth Extender ) and sell it like it is.
    Someone who want that kind of stuff, contact me [email protected]
    Have a nice day everyone, Mark.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=21551.0



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      Re: [WTS] L2OFF Completly Int. Pack
      « Reply #1 on: December 12, 2014, 01:30:03 PM »
      The pack is still available. Add my skype : [email protected]


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        Re: [WTS] L2OFF Completly Int. Pack
        « Reply #2 on: December 14, 2014, 06:48:41 PM »
        Up !

