Lineage ][ Echo - Aprilon Dinasty x35We have many many things that we want to tell you but before we start we want to tell you that we are looking to provide you best fun you ever got in private servers and best working project with no bugs you ever saw.
Please respect our work and don't bother try to DAMAGE our work because we give fun not bad moods.
Here are the infos :
Rates :Experience : x35
Skill points : x35
Adena drop rate : x100
Quest rate : x1
Enchant scroll rate :We have a custom enchant rate but here are the rates:Scroll enchant weapon : 60%
Scroll enchant armor : 55%
Scroll enchant jewelry : 55%
Chronicles Server: Interlude - Classic
Platform: L2J + L2OFF Core Files
Rates: xp 35x / sp 35x / adena 35x (all adena is divided by 100/all shops prices too).
L2Echo will be a Lineage II: Interlude server. It will be 85% similar to the old L2Echo Server. We will remove/tweak features we think are poorly thought of and add features to make it a pleasant server to play on.
Register a game account:
Auto Creating Accounts for the begining.
Character Creation :
A new character will spawn in Giran Harbor ( Main Town ). There you can buff yourself up and you're good to go! The new character will start with all the needed items.
Low level Protectors:
All the low level zones up to 40 level are protected by our low level zone guards. These guards kill red players in order to give new and low level players a fair chance to train up to a decent level.
Third Job Change Available:
As soon as your character is 76 level or above, you are able to do the 3rd occupation change that can be done at the NPC job changer “Roy The Cat” who stands in Giran Harbor near Gatekeeper Angelina.
Subclass No-Quest :
To be easy way to farm and pvp you have free subclass with no quest needed.
Noblesse Available:
Usual Noblesse Quest is available in all tutorials and is the retail one the quest is working 100%.
S Grade Special Abilities Weaponry:
- To obtain SA Weapons you need to play in our farm zones :
Elven Ruins (Solo Zone)
Primeval Island (Party Fighter Zone)
Monastery of Silence Deep (Party Mages Zone)
*INFO : In Elven Ruins you will recieve by drop harder than Party Zones
Echo Weapons:
Elven Ruins (Solo Zone)
Primeval Island (Party Fighter Zone)
Monastery of Silence Deep (Party Mages Zone)
*INFO : To obtain Echo Weapons you will recieve Echo Weapon Tokens by drop only in Elven Ruins.
- Echo Weapon Token (No Tradeable/No Sellable/No Dropable)
*INFO : In Primeval Island and MoS Deep you recieve the full ECHO WEAPON and WEAPONS S SA by drop easy chance.
Echo Armors and Platinum Armors:
In L2Echo you have to farm to get good armors :
Echo Armors :
Elven Ruins Solo you will recieve Echo Armor Token by drop
Primeval Island (Party Fighter Zone)
Monastery of Silence Deep ( Party Mage Zone)
Platinum Armors :
You have to kill various RB's customed by L2Echo Team :
Fierge Tiger King Angel
Ketra's Commander Tayr
Ocean Flame Ashakiel
Master Anays
Varka's Commander Mos
Queen Shyeed
High Priestess van Halter
Bloody Empress Decarbia
Eilhalder von Hellmann
Cherub Galaxia
Anakim's Nemesis Zakaron
*INFO : Best armors from server are Platinum Armors better than Echo Armors.
Other Features:
Full clan system
24 Buff slots + 4 Divine Inspirations (Learn Skills)
You can buy 2 books from Kode (Misc Shop I)
Debuff slots are from buff slots
Statisically improved Hero Weapons
Offline shop
Commands : /offline_shop , .offline_shop
Auto Loot Function
Commands : .autolooton / .autolootoff
Repair Character Function
Commands : .repair
Vote System :
Commands : .vote / .voteTime / .getVoteReward
*NEW * Elven Ruins : Solo farming zone for Echo Equipment !