Chronicle: Interlude [T0]
Grand Opening at 12/03/2015 - 20:00 GMT +2
Web: Forum: Rates:
Experience: x1000
Skill Points: x1000
Adena: x1000
Karma Drop: x20
Party Experience: 2x
Skill Points: 2x
Enchant Rates:
Safe: +7 *Normal Scrolls #66% Rate
Max Weapons: +20 *Bleesed Scrolls #100% Rate
Max Weapons: +25 *Crystal Scrolls #45% Rate
Max Armor/jews +15 *Blessed Scrolls #100% Rate
Max Armor/jews +20 *Crystal Scrolls #45% Rate
Notice: If the enchant will broke, will remain as it has
Augmentation System:
Mid: 6% [Farmable]
High: 8% [Only with PvP Items]
Top: 12% [Only with Vote Coins]
Only 1 Active OR Passive
NPC Buffer:
Buff SLOTS: 36+4
Buffs: 120 Minutes
Songs/Dances: 120 minutes
Summoners Gift/Blessing: 120 minutes
Heroic Skills:
Added Only in Base Class
Valor: 59 Minutes
Berseker: 29 Minutes
Miracle: 59 Seconds
Grandeur: 12 Seconds
Dread: 12 Seconds
Olympiad System:
Olympiad Period: 1 Week
Olympiad Time: 18:00 - 00:00
Olympiad Competition: Based Class Disabled
Olympiad Town: Innadril
Maximum enchant in Olympiad: +6 For armor/jewels, +6 For weapon
Olympiad points have to be exchanged on Sunday
Olympiad Hero: *Hero GhostSentinel "X" Has Login!
Castle King: *King "X" of Giran Has Login!
Clan Leader: *Leader "X" of Clan "X" Has Login!
Top PvP Player "X" Has Login!
Top PK Player "X" Has Login!
Sieges: Every Weekends at Giran, Aden, Rune & Goddard [Other castles are disabled]
Clan System: 40 Players Max
Ally System: 2 Clans Max
Clan Skills only by killing Custom & Epic Bosses
Max Subclasses: 5
No Passive Noblesse
Voting System
Stackable Scrolls, Lifestones, Book of Giants
Nightmarish Tattoo give 10% HP
Cancellation System: When you get cancel, cancelled buffs will be restored after 10 seconds
Trade Chat with 150 PvP
Shout Chat with 250 PvP
Return [Giran SOE]
Killing Spree System: Added
Auto Potion System: Added
L2Day Empower Scroll: Added
Custom Bosses:
Respawn of Anakim: 4 hours +/- 20 Minutes [Chaotic zone]
Respawn of Lilith 4 hours +/- 20 Minutes [Chaotic zone]
Respawn of Benom 6 hours +/- 20 Minutes [Chaotic zone]
Respawn of Halisha 6 hours +/- 30 Minutes [Chaotic zone]
Respawn of Barakiel 4 hours +/- 30 Minutes [Making auto the party noblesse *last hit*]
Heroic Lord Boss [Will be added after 1 week]
Epic Bosses:
Respawn of AQ: 4 hours +/- 30 Minutes [Chaotic zone]
Respawn of Baium: 6 hours +/- 30 Minutes [Chaotic zone]
Respawn of Zaken: 8 hours +/- 30 Minutes [Chaotic zone]
Respawn of Antharas: 10 hours +/- 30 Minutes [Chaotic zone]
Respawn of Valakas: 12 hours +/- 30 Minutes [Chaotic zone]
Queen Ant:
2: Rings
3: Dragon's Hear: A-Grade
3: Egg of Earth: A-Grade
9: Top life stones
250: Not allowed Bar
2: Rings
3: Skull of the Dead: A-Grade
3: False Nucleus of Life: A-Grade
9: Top life stones
250: Not allowed Bar
2: Earings
3: Destruction Tomstone
3: Cradle of Creation
9: Top life stones
500: Not allowed Bar
2: Necklace
3: Dragon's Heart: A-Grade
3: Egg of Earth: A-Grade
9: Top life stones
500: Not allowed Bar
2: Earings
3: Skull of the Dead: A-Grade
3: False Nucleus of Life: A-Grade
300: Not allowed Bar
2: Tezza necklace
3: Skull of the Dead: A-Grade
3: False Nucleus of Life: A-Grade
9: High life stones
4: Crystal A grade Armor
4: Crystal B grade Armor
200: Not allowed Bar
9: High life stones
1: Zombie shield
3: Skull of the Dead: A-Grade
3: False Nucleus of Life: A-Grade
4: Crystal S grade Weapon
4: Crystal S grade Armor
250: Not allowed Bar
3: Dragon's Heart: A-Grade
3: Egg of Earth: A-Grade
9: Top ls
1: Dusk shield
4: Crystal weapon s grade
250: Not allowed Bar
3: Destruction Tomstone
3: Cradle of Creation
1: Monk shield
9: High life stones
2: Crystal S grade Weapon
2: Crystal S grade Armor
200: Not allowed Bar
Making auto nobless the party
3: Destruction Tomstone
3: Cradle of Creation
4: Crystal S grade Weapon
9: Top Life Stones
Our target is to make a Stable & Enjoyable gameplay but without your help
this is impossible to happen, so we hope you believe and you join us.