GRAND OPENING: 2015/03/21 17:00 +2 GMT Server Rates Xp / Sp - x45
Aden - x35
Drop - x30
Spoil - x30
Quest Reward - x5 (Not for all)
Quest Drop - x10 (Not for all)
Raidboss Drop - x15
Rate party XP - 1.5x
Olympiad Olympiad Starts 18:00 (+2 GMT)
Olympiad Ends: 24:00 (+2 GMT)
Hero Changes: Every Sunday 24:00 (+2 GMT)
Olympiad points have to be exchanged on Sunday
Hero Status can be retrieved from Monument of Heroes
Enchantment Rates: Max Enchant (Weapon / Armor): +16
Max Enchant (Jewelery): +8
Safe Enchant: +4
Simple Scroll: 58%
Blessed Scroll: 68%
Raid/Epic Bosses spawn: Antharas 96 + 1 Hours
Valakas 168 + 1 Hours
Baium 72 + 1 Hours
Zaken 48 + 1 Hours
Ant Queen 24 + 1 Hours
Orfen 20 + 1 Hours
Core 33 + 1 Hours
Frintezza 48 + 1 Hours
Barakiel 5 + 0.5 Hours
Varka's Hero Shadith 12 + 1 Hours
Varka's Commander Mos 12 + 1 Hours
Ketra's Hero Hekaton 12 + 1 Hours
Ketra's Commander Tayr 12 + 1 Hours
Other RaidBoss 12 + 12 Hours
Additional Information: Auto registration
Rank skill group system. more info ->>> with rewards! more info ->>> A/S Raidbosses 70% drops 1 full A/S item!Free subclass change
Auto learn Skills
Treasure map in website with event item locationNPC Scheme Buffer (2h buff time) 24+4 Buff slot
7S Teleporter + Primeval Isle
GM Shop up to B-Grade
+ GM shop also you can found in some hunting places
Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop.
Offline shop from 20 lvl (Sit and press exit)
GrandBoss PvP zones: Valakas, Antharas, Baium (TOI 13 floor), Ant Queen, FrintezzaAdded anti-bot protection (against hlapex, tower, walker, etc)
Server protected against DDoS
Added newest geodata
Server voice - stop/start Exp, etc
.bot - Report about possible boting player (target and use .bot command).ach - Achievement information
.setxprate [number] - You can change your xp rate from 0 to 45
.tvtjoin/.tvtleave - TvT event commands
Achievement information about rewards and progress and scheme buffer with add/rem buttons: