
Author Topic: [L2OFF] Refresh 250x 20.03.2015  (Read 1201 times)

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    [L2OFF] Refresh 250x 20.03.2015
    « on: March 19, 2015, 12:40:22 AM »

    L2OFF Interlude PvP setup wich guarantees an unique pvp experience.

    Grand Opening
    20.03.2015 at 20:00 GMT +1 !


    - EXP: 250x
    - Adena: 100x
    - Party Exp: x2
    - Weapons Enchant Rate: 70% (lowering by 4% after each enchant)
    - Armors Enchant Rate: 60%(lowering by 4% after each enchant)
    - Max Weapon Enchant: +16
    - Max Armor Enchant: +12
    - Auto-Learn Skills
    - Main Town: Aden Castle Town
    - SoE skill on every character wich leads to Main Town

    New Characters
    Every newly created character starts at lvl 40 with the following items in his inventory:
    - C-grade armor/weapon/jewel coupon that can be exchanged for gear at our Npc's
    - 50x Hp/Mp pots / 1x Infinity C-grade Shot
    - A mask that gives passive nobless for 3h

    - All 2nd and most 3rd class buffs to be 2H in NPC Buffer
    - Scheme buffs
    - Player self buffs to remain completly retail, untouched time duration
    - Cat and Pony buffs to be left retail
    - Cancel buff removes 1-5 random buffs for 10 seconds
    - The Npc Buffers are set in all towns

    - Global Gatekeeper - that contains only the most needed locations
    - Misc Shop - with all needed consumables
    - Armor Shop - where you can buy C B A S armors/jewelery
    - Weapon Shop where you can buy C B A S weapons
    - Delevel Npc - where you can delevel if you wish
    - Symbol Maker - where you can draw dyes
    - Warehouse Manager - where you can deposit/withdraw your items
    - Class Manager - where you can change 1st, 2nd and 3rd class by a certain itembr> - Sell Npc - where you can sell and get rid of useless materials
    - Black Judge Npc - where you can do your PK quest
    - Donation Npc - where you can purchase services and goods
    - Npc Buffer, Global Gatekeeper and Warehouse are set in all clan halls
    - Augment Npc - where you can augment your weapons
    - Etc Shop - where you can trade raid tokens and pvp coins for items/goods, also you can purchase accesories
    - RB Status Npc - where you can see the status of the raid bosses
    - Pvp & Pk Status Npc - where you can see the pvp/pk ranking list

    New systems
    - Infinity shots to reduce SS lag
    - Day and Night system, boosted drops on in-game night time by 50%
    - Toogle skill that prevents grief buffing
    + Certain exceptions : pony / cat / avatar / noble / ol m def / ol p def / ol ww / prayer /valor
    - VIP system on 3 levels : LvL 1 Vip Rune : 50% boosted exp/drops/adena etc , LvL 2 Vip Rune : 75% boosted stats , LvL 3 Vip Rune : 100% boost
    - Empower potion
    - Remote buff coin system, a special coin where you can buff yourself without a npc also includes resist buffs ( no hp restore )
    - Special functions : .menu with special functions and .goldbar buy/sell command
    - Special mobs near Floran to remove pk's

    - Available Siegeble Castles : Aden / Giran
    - Crown of Lord gives special stats
    - Normal User Crown gives extra stats
    - Every castle is being sieged every week

    Heroes and Olympiad
    - Hero skills will be : Miracle / Berserker + Valor
    - A New skill to summon Hero Potions
    - Hero weapons will be equal to +8 S grade weapons
    - Olympiad Town : Talking Island
    - Olympiad cycle is 10 days

    - First, Second and Third class are obtained from our Class Manager in the Main Town and are all free
    - Subclass status is free
    - Noblesse can be bought by 3x Not allowed Stacks or it can be obtained by obtaining the retail quest directly to VOS jewels part + Barakiel

    - All skills are set on "autolearn" untill and including level 79
    - All skills from level 80 will require spellbooks in order to get your fusion skills
    - All 80 level spellbooks can be found by hunting the raids aswell by hunting in the Party Zone
    - All 80 level fusion skills can be used without forces
    - All characters buffs are retail - duration wise

    - TvT with 1x Event Token as reward

    Epic Raids
    - Queen Ant and Zaken boosted to level 80
    + All mobs from the close vecinity are removed
    + Queen Ant Ring is S-grade
    - Core and Orfen are boosted to level 80
    + Almost all mobs from the close vecinity are removed
    + Core and Orfen are S-grade
    + Core Ring and Orfen Earring will be slightly boosted to be worth fighting for
    - Baium / Valakas / Antharas / Frintezza / Queen Ant / Zaken
    + Will have the same defensive and offensive stats, the same goes for HP
    + Valakas, Antharas and Frintezza have the fear skills disabled, also nerfed HP
    + Frintezza Necklace is S-grade
    - Spawn window for all the epics is 1 Hour
    - All epics are set under PVP zone
    - All epics are set under PVP zone
    - When you hit an Epic Raid your name becomes purple


    - Anakim is set in the deep end of EF and Lilith right outside of Elven Fortress, giving 1000 CRP ( 3hours respawn no window )
    - 4 new raids in Garden of Eva, are under PVP zone with boosted drops, giving 2500 CRP ( 3hours respawn no window )
    - Barakiel PvP Zone with the respawn of 6hours no window
    (Barakiel is now set in Bandit Stronghold with the yard closed, to enter it you must port in by the npc on the outter main gate)

    Leveling Zones
    - Death Pass -> 40-47 Level Zone
    - The Cemetery -> 40-50 Level Zone
    - Cruma Tower 2nd Floor -> 46-50 Level Zone
    - Dragon Valley -> 46-52 Level Zone
    - Forbidden Gateway -> 50-56 Level Zone
    - Dragon Valey Cave -> 56+ Level Zone
    - Wall of Argos -> 61+ Level Zone
    - Valey of Saints - Middle -> 61+ Level Zone
    - Blazing Swamp -> 61-70 Level Zone
    - Ketra Orc Outpost -> 70+ Level Zone
    - Varka Silenos Outpost -> 70+ Level Zone
    - Hot Springs -> 70+ Level Zone
    - Dragon Valey Cave - Middle -> 72+ Level Zone
    - Monastary of Silence -> 76+ Level Zone
    - Elven Fortress -> 78+ Zone ( Farming Zone )
    - Garden of Eva -> 80+ Zone ( Party Farming Zone )

    Farming Zone
    - Pagan temple fully reworked
    - Solo and party farming area in one spot
    - The deeper you go, the harder the mobs

    - Server restart takes a few seconds
    - Towns and useless NPC's are removed
    - Some misc items will have a new look

    We have plenty of incoming updates for you wich will guarantee a never ending gameplay.

    Join our community and stay up to date !

    Join with your Clan/CP and get rewarded
    Every Clan/CP wich will join L2Refresh gets rewarded.
    For more information on this, please check out the event topic inside our forum.


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=22953.0

