
Author Topic: [L2J] Thea - Hi5 PVP Server ! It's perfect for you!  (Read 1569 times)

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    [L2J] Thea - Hi5 PVP Server ! It's perfect for you!
    « on: April 12, 2015, 11:16:42 AM »

    Experience (EXP) : 1000x
    Skill Points (SP) : 1000x

    Safe Enchant : +4
    Max. Enchant : +16
                                                                  (Question: How to obtain it?)
    Normal Scroll chance : 70% - (Normal enchant scrolls can be obtain from farming)
    Blessed Scroll chance : 85% - (Blessed scrolls can be obtain from vote/mini-raid bosses)
    Elemental Max. Level : Level 7 - (Elemental system, it was tested and it's balanced)
    Elemental Stone chance : 60% - (The stones for lvl 4 are simple to be obtained from farming)
    Elemental Crystal chance : 100% - (They can be obtain only from vote)
    [COLOR="#FF0000"]Server time[/COLOR]
    Server, and Forum Time : GMT+2
    Buffs, dances and songs Duration : 2h
    Buff Slots : 28
    Dance and Songs Slots : 14
    Max. Clients per PC : 4
    Olympiad Max. Enchant : +6
    Anti-Bot (LAMEGUARD + Report system )
    Geodata and Pathnode


    Heroin and his 4 Raids
    Q: What's this, and why should kill them?
    A: You can kill those raid for bews/beas/gcm/raid coin

    Apollo the Raid-Shop

    Q:What can I buy from here?
    A:You can buy from here EPIC-Raid jewels with the drops from Heroin's raids.

    Helvetia the - PVP SHOP

    Q: What's the reward for this?
    A: You can exchange your simple armor/weapon to {PVP}, also you can upgrade your ordinary zaken freya tezza cloack to SOUL for more effectives.

    Stanford - Event Shop

    Q: Why should I go events?
    A: You can join the events for very nice team-play and also to get rewards to spend them, for festival-cloacks/Accessories /Talismans/GCs and much more.

    Klemis-Vote Shop

    Q:Why should I vote?(1) How can I vote? (2)
    A(1): Voting will keep us up in tops and also, will bring you new players to play with so you will have a bigger competition.
    A(2): To vote use our guide : http://bit.do/voteinfo

    Pablo - GM SHOP

    Q: So here I can find anything I need to farm and do what I want to do on server?
    A: Yes you can find everything expect the items that are in the shops that you already saw up here.

    Thea - Gatekeeper

    Q:Who's this?
    A:She's Thea, our world teleporter. You can get with her in any place of the map.

    Lord -Service Manager

    Q:What this guy can do?
    A:This guy will provide you character services.

    Aragorn -Achievement Manager
    Q:Wait what's this?
    A:This NPC will keep a count of your achieves, and after you complete one you'll get a special reward.


    Our farming system, it's simple and powerful.

    We provide for you :
    -3 farming zones with :
    2 spawns for each one .
    A lot of mobs, so you won't have a problem in finding them.
    They are not hard to farm, but also not easy.
    The zones, are big and opened so you can easly farm in peace. But they are also perfect for hard - pvp .

    -Heroin's 4 raids
    Heroin is the NPC that will teleport you to the 4 raids that will be a very nice challenge for you and your friends.
    They respawn at 6 hours after their dead and there will be hard fights to get one.[/size]


    -Vote system
    As every server needs votes the be in top and to be alive we have a vote system that provides the players at each vote a special reward that can be spend ingame. To vote use our guide : http://bit.do/voteinfo
    -PVP - System
    We have the pvp rank system, each pvp will give you a simple pvp-medal that will give you the chanse to spend em.

    -Achievement system
    When you reach an achievement you can get a prize that can be used in our shop.

    -Event system
    We have a very nice event system with a lot of items that you can buy with the reward from the events.

    -Daily GMs Events
    We want to provide you the best place to play so we will do all we can for you to enjoy our server, so for this we will do the daily gm events with extremely nice rewards.

    If you'd like to see our currency you can find it here  : http://bit.do/srvcurrency

    Our server it's made on the ideea " You have to find something to do everyday on a lineage 2 server " so this is what we did. We won't talk a lot we will do a lot !


    website: http://www.l2thea.info
    forum : http://www.l2thea.info/Forum
    Email: [email protected]

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=23228.0

