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    [L2J GF] L2Grando
    « on: April 19, 2015, 04:03:46 AM »
    Website: www.l2grando.com
    Forum: www.l2grando.com/forum

    * Custom Mob AI *

    Dav has developed a new form of AI that will allow mobs to behave more intelligently to make farming much more interesting. This also applies to APC's and Raid Bosses, which have some nasty skill combos.

    * APC's *

    These mobs that have the appearance of real players adds a nice contrast to the usual humdrum of L2's mobs' appearances. Much of these APCs you will encounter appear and act almost exactly like a normal player, with skill sets of the corresponding classes they represent. They will kite you if you have lower run speed than them, they will root/slow you if you run away, and they will UD/UE/Heal if they get low, they WILL assist each other, there are APC healers that will assist, buff, and heal their APC group.

    Example 1
    Example 2
    Example 3

    -Random Spawn
    Many mobs found in L2Grando have a large radius or grid, in which they spawn in a random location set around a predetermined point. Mobs such as Grave Keepers, Xelathouls, and many rare mobs, and a few APCs share this mechanic.

    * Custom Weapons, Armor, Jewels and Accessories *

    L2Grando's mainstay, it's collection of truly unique stat modifiers and set bonuses makeup a large part of our content. From Relic Jewelry to Armor to Accessories, every item has a different bonus, mix and match them to create powerful combinations. All armors have a extra custom enchant bonus when the entire set reaches a certain enchant. You won't find most of the SA's on L2Grando anywhere else! Some of these include
    Armor Penetration
    Magic Penetration
    True Damage
    Increased Damage as target's HP is lower
    When target's HP is low increases movement speed
    Increases True Evasion when HP is low
    Titanium Weapon Active Skill: Sudden Flash, Increases Crit Rate, Attack Speed, and Accuracy for a short duration.
    Dread Armor Active Skill: Lex Talonis, Reflects 500% Physical damage and 100% Magical Damage (Includes ranged attacks and skills)
    Ignore Shield Defences
    360 Degree Attack Radius
    -200 Damage from all incoming attacks
    Increased HP received from HP Drain Skills.
    Damage increases as distance to target increases.
    Uninteruptable Casting, while casting a skill P.Def is increased by 1000.
    When Target is bleeding, each attack deals 50 extra True Damage
    Too Many to list!

    In order of level here is compilation of L2Grando's Jewelry's descriptions:

    Dynasty Jewels
    Vesper Jewels
    Relic Boss Jewels

    These are one of L2Grando's lowest armor tiers, Dynasty. Dynasty has 2 levels, level one is easily obtainable level 2 uppers will take some more to farm up, the level 1 Dynasty main piece is consumed when you upgrade to level 2. Here is the entire selection of level 1 and 2, just to give you an idea of the class specific stat bonuses.

    Dynasty Sets Level 2
    Dynasty Sets Level 2.5

    There are many different item groups and tiers, for players to work their way to the top. Here is an example, Dread Weapons, one of the highest weapon groups you can obtain.

    Dread Weapon SAs

    * Enchanting *

    Enchanting on Grando is like no other server, some people love it others prefer the more usual way, of blowing up items over and over forever until they reach the desired enchant. But on Grando almost every item tier has a different rate/safe enchant. Almost nothing crystalizes on Grando, with the exception of rare weapons and unique weapons. But we won't go into those weapon categories, gotta save something right? Instead of crystalizing weapons and armor usually will return to +3 on failure. Some items may only be enchanted safely passed +10 with Blessed scrolls. Enchant scrolls on Grando work out like this:

    Normal Enchants - enchants items within the safe enchants at the normal rate of the item tier.
    Crystal Enchants - -10% rate, but on failure will not break a weapon that is passed the safe enchant.
    Blessed Enchants - 15% higher rate than normal scrolls, these enchants are required for some items. On failure blessed enchants will return a weapon to +10, instead of +3.
    Legendary Enchants - 25% higher rate than normal scrolls, these enchants will not break items, nor change the enchant on failure. Legendary enchants can surpass the max enchant of some items. (Dynasty, Vesper, S Grade) If you fail while using this scroll it will not announce.
    Forbidden Enchants - 100% Success rate, ultra rare, forbidden.

    When enchanting at high levels a system message will appear with your result, but not just in the immediate area, the entire server will see your success or failure, the message will display your name, the item you failed and what enchant you were going for. Also something you don't see everyday is the warning message that pops up in your system messages every time your about to enchant an item. Once you place the item into the window the message will display the rate that particular item has, and the penalty for failure, be it set to +3, set to +10, Destroyed, or None. Another interesting point to highlight would be the fact that the rates for all items change as the enchant goes higher. Meaning the success rate for enchanting gets lower and lower every enchant. Except for S grade Epic weapons, which are very rare and expensive, they have a static 75% enchant rate that never diminishes. However, enchanting an S Epic weapon passed +7 will be destroyed, there is no safe enchanting past +7 for this tier.

    Enchanting System Message Example

    * Buffs *

    All of the buffs you could ever want are in our Cat Prophet, which can be found in every town, the Cat Prophet also heals, dispells buffs and saves buff schemes. But that doesn't mean all buffs can be found in the Cat Prophet, buffs like Victories of Paggrio, and the combo buffs are still only obtainable from players. The combo buffs have been turned into short duration party buffs that increase the stats they represent, on top of the buffs already on your list. Also these combo buffs along with other self buffs do not count as buffslots. Mages and Dagger classes have 26 buff slots and fighters have 28. You can increase these by 2 buff slots via the divine inspiration manuals, which can be bought for a fair price in the Mysterious Merchant.

    *  Automated Events *
    Team vs Team vs Team
    Team with the most kills wins. People are in 3 different teams fighting each other. Blue team,Red team,Green team. The first player who will kill someone gets his name announced as '[GM]Aphelion has drawn the first blood!' and you are getting reward with 1 event medal.
    1 zone,2 teams. People should stay under a tower,the more and the longer you stay under the tower the better.
    Players are spawned in the Coliseum and must kill as many other players as they can, the top 8 players with the highest kills wins the event, but try not to die, you will have to wait 10 seconds to be respawned!
    Capture the Flag
    Classic Red Team vs Blue Team, each team must abscond with their opponents flag and return it to their own flag, but if its not there they won't be able to score!
    Castle Sieges
    Attackers must breach the walls and doors of either Rune or Aden and seize the castle while the Defenders must hold it for as long as they can. But that's not an automated/scheduled event it's launched manually by us.

    * Community Board Features * 

    Our Community Board has the usual Top 25 PvP/PK/Fame, but what's unusual about it, is you may click on the player's name and it will show you their character information, such as equipment, level, class, and enchants. It will not show Dyes, Elements, or Augments. You can navigate to the Equipment Veiwer from the Top 25 List, or the list of online players. The Community Board also lists the custom commands for L2Grando, such as .lockdown and .accD.

    Top 25 PvP/Fame/PK List
    Equipment Viewer

    * Custom Commands *

    Afraid one of your friends might make off with your new armor or accessories? Yea, me too. This is where Lockdown comes in handy, simply type ".lockdown <0.0>" time in hours, example ".lockdown 1.3", and your account will be locked down for 1.3 hours. Meaning your character will not be able to preform an action that can potentially cause harm. Such as; enchanting, trading, dropping, deleting, PKing. Now, not really, you can still pk while locked down, but your character gains karma it will be instantly jailed for a minimum of 5 hours and a maximum of however long his/her Lockdown time is set for. To check how much time is left on your Lockdown, type ".lockdowntime"

    On L2grando our accessories sometimes to look odd when used together, more cosmetic than anything, the command ".accD" (which is caps sensitive) will toggle the physical appearance of your accessories 1 at a time. Other players will see your character normally.

    * In Game Password Changer *

    One unique feature which allows the player to change his password whenever he wants,wherever he is. But in order for someone to change his password his must type his secre code first. WE DISCOURAGE PEOPLE SHARING THEIR SECRET CODES WITH OTHER PEOPLE. THERE IS NO REASON TO DO THAT.

    * Wondrous Cubic *

    L2Grando's All-In-One service item, provides all the basic features you require. I would like to draw your attention to the Additional Character Stats, it's a very nice feature and mechanic for people are are interested in knowing the little things, previously unknowable about your character.
    Additional Character Stats
    General Shop
    Skill Enchants
    Symbol Maker
    Class Changer
    Password Changer

    * Custom Skills *

    L2Grando has an obcene amount of custom skills. Forbidden Skills are a step up from Forgotten Skills, and are currently obtainable, they are in game and work 100%, but we are unsure of how to introduce them.On L2Grando our Heroes get their Heroic Valor and Miracle, but they also get a few special skills based on their Race. There are a few highly customized skills such as Madness, which now is a debuff that act's like switch, but you cannot stop auto attacking your target for 3 seconds, in addition you gain high percentage +PvP Damage.

    * Custom Farming Zones *

    L2Grando has 3 Main Farming areas, each as a special attribute. Cave of Trials is geared toward new players, so we have change COT and all of the Orc continent into an S80 only zone. Many of these mobs are soloable but there are a few powerful mobs and APCs inside that require a party. Ruins of Despair is a solo zone, while it is possible to party there, many of the mobs were designed to be soloed. There is a feature implemented in ROD, so that once a player hits a mob that mob is considered "theirs" and no other play may attack it unless a clan member or a party member. Cemetery is a party farming zone. There are few solo mobs around, but many difficult monsters. Some are resistance to all weapons but weak to only one. Also this is where our random spawn grind comes into play, so watch out for Bilencres, Living Nightmare, The Eyeless One, and of course the Cursed Girl!

    * PvP Towns *

    What makes L2Grando, L2Grando would have to be Gludin. Gludin is a non-peace zone and many would consider the center of PvP. However to curb pvp farming we have an anti-farm system in place. After killing Player A, you must kill 3 other players OR wait 5 minutes from gaining a PvP point from Player A again. Gludin will reward PvP points up to 1,500 unrestricted, but once your over you will not receive PvP points from players with half of your current PvP count. For example, if you have 5,000 PvP's and kill someone with 2500 PvP's, you will get a PvP point. But if your target has under 2500 PvP's you will not be rewarded a PvP Point, or Fame, but if that player is in a Clan War with your clan then your clan will receive the clan reputation.

    But sometimes new players walk into Gludin and are immediately intimidated, as you should be lol. This is why we have Orc Village. Orc Village is similar to Gludin but it is an S80 only zone, like Cave of Trials. Orc Village also does not allow you to form a party. Nor can you use healing skills or buffs on other players there. Also in addition, when entering Orc Village all players names, titles, and clan tags are hidden, their names replaced with "Disguised" and their gender is randomly displayed to other players as 50/50 Male or Female. You may reach 4k PvPs in Orc Village unrestricted. But the anti-pvp farm system still applies.

    * Killing Sprees *

    You are rewarded temporary hero once you accumulate 30 kills without dying or logging out. You will get a message at 25 kill that you're on a killing spree. But once you reach 30, it will announce to the server that So-And-So is on a killing spree! When on a killing spree you have access to all the Hero skills including the special custom ones Race restricted of course. There are 2 other announcements, Rampage at 60 kills, and Postal at 90. When you die while on a killing spree, it will announce the amount of kills you had, and who killed you and you will lose your hero, unless you were Postal, in which case you will still have hero for 1 more death, but your "spree" will be over.

    * Custom Hybrid Classes *

    To make support classes more interesting and fun to play, SWS/BD's have been edited to be damage dealing classes. Blade Dancers have light armor masteries and high evasion. Some of their skills have been edited, for example Poison Blade Dance, is now an all skill AOE silence, including the poison. Swordsingers can be played a verity of different ways, they have Vanguard, if they want to play in heavy armor with a 2 handed weapon, or normal heavy armor with a sword/shield. But most common would be the light armor, 1 handed sword no shield setup. Sword Singers have to ability to AOE up to 2 targets naturally, but gain extra targets while wearing light armor and using a 1 handed sword. SWS have some Gladiator skills such as Sonic Blaster and Sonic Force, and even the custom skill Crosscut. Doomcryers have been given skills to make them more multipurpose, they can even act as an off-tank. Hierophants would have to be the most customized class on Grando, with a slew of skills from difference classes, this Melee damage nuker, has truly unique game play. Eva's Saints and Shilen Saints have even been given some interesting skills that will allow them to compete with Cardinals. Dwarven classes would seem as tho they've been spliced with Titans, they have low level frenzy and battle roar, along with rage, they're quite tenacious.

    * Castle Sieges *

    For the time being only two castles are available for attacking is Goddard, with no restrictions. The number of castles was chosen to promote more mass PvP at each siege. Which of course may change if our population increases.

    * Custom Instances *

    L2Grando features a few completely custom instances. Kamaloka, our daily instance has been coded by Dav, and will allow newer players to gear up quickly, this instance is designed for a 3 man party, if you enter with 3 and someone leaves, the drops from the last boss will be lesser than what it would have been. Kamaloka is geared toward new players looking to level up quickly and get low tier items quickly. Dragon Valley Cave instance is a long group instance, for 8 people. Starting at the entrance and working your way day to the Heart to fight Darion, who is one of the few bosses on Grando with a chance to drop full Dread Weapons. With many minibosses along the way down, you will be hard pressed for time killing Darion, so don't dawdle! DVC Instance has a 3 day lock out. Aden Instance or the Raid Boss instance, which ever you'll call it, teleports your party into an alternate dimension, in this dimension there is a copy for each raid boss in each of its original locations. You may choose to kill 1 Raid Boss, and after you've killed one the instance is over. Aden instance has a lockout of 1 week. There are many other instance in the works, so stick around.

    * PvP Name Colors/Skills *

    In L2Grando we believe it's necessary to be able to show off as much as possible. So why not have corresponding name colors to show how much you've owned other players.
    In addition to name colors you'll also receive special PvP Skills, and transformations, these transformations are mainly for show but some have many useful skills, such as the Heretic's Resurrection.. Also the more PvPs you have the lower the reuse is on your Trade chat. And a fun fact that many people who play Pride don't even know, the more PvPs you have the more CP you have. For a complete list of the Skill and at what PvP count you get them see below.

    Name color changes

    1000 - Player name color changed to blue
    2000 - Player name color chnaged to pink
    3000 - Player name color changed to green
    4000 - Player name color changed to yellow
    5000 - Player title color changed to pink, player name color changed to light blue
    6500 - Player title color changed to dark grey, player name changed to purple
    8500 - Player name color changed to orange
    12000 - Player title color changed to red, player name changed to dark grey
    25000 - Player title color changed to dark grey, player name color changed to red


    200 - Transformation Rabbit
    300 - Transformation Onyx Beast
    400 - Transformation Cutie Pig
    700 - Transformation Doll Blader
    1100 - Transformation Frog
    1400 - Transformation Heretic
    1800 - Scroll of Battlefield Transformation Pixy
    2500 - Scroll of Transformation - Red
    2700 - Transformation Buffalo
    3200 - Transformation Vale Master
    3700 - Trasnformation Yeti
    4300 - Transformation Oel Mahum
    4900 - Transformation Saber Tooth Tiger
    5500 - Transformation Gatekeeper
    6100 - Transformation Unicorn
    7900 - Transformation Young Child
    8800 - Transformation Pumpkin Ghost
    9800 - Transformation Golem Guardian
    10800 - Transformation Inferno Drake

    Global Chat

    100 - Trade Chat; 1500 seconds reuse (+)
    600 - Decrease Trade chat reuse to 1250 seconds
    1001 - Decrease Trade chat reuse to 1070 seconds
    2001 - Decrease Trade chat reuse to 935 seconds
    3001 - Decrease Trade chat reuse to 830 seconds
    6001 - Decrease Trade chat reuse to 750 seconds
    7001 - Decrease Trade chat reuse to 680 seconds
    8001 - Decrease Trade chat reuse to 625 seconds
    9001 - Decrease Trade chat reuse to 575 seconds
    10001 - Decrease Trade chat reuse to 535 seconds
    10000 - Shout Chat available (!)

    * Olympiad *

    The Olympiad period on L2Grando is 2 only 2 weeks long. Olympiad ends on the second Saturday of the period, every time. This means on the second Sunday there will be no Olympiad matches held, and Olympiad will resume with the next period on Monday. Heroes will be chosen shortly after the last match ends on the second Saturday. Due to the massive customizations in our server, we restrict equipment to normal S Grade armor. Due to the nature of some of the reworked skills we also restrict some skills, that would otherwise imbalance Olympiad. Players who compete in the Grand Olympiad games will not be able to use; accessories, belts, talismens, capes or any type of augmented item. Also no matter what enchant items are they will be auto enchanted to +6. Elements and Skill enchants are set to 0 during the Olympiad Match. Because of the diversity of players on L2Grando we have staggered our Olympiad times to best suit all nationalities, the times are as follows:

    North American | European Times
    Monday 12:00 AM (-7:00 GMT) | 10:00 AM (+3 GMT)
    Tuesday 3:00 AM (-7:00 GMT) | 1:00 PM (+3 GMT)
    Wednesday 6:00 AM (-7:00 GMT) | 4:00 PM (+3 GMT)
    Thursday 9:00 AM (-7:00 GMT) | 7:00 PM (+3 GMT)
    Friday 12:00 PM (-7:00 GMT) | 10:00 PM (+3 GMT)
    Saturday 3:00 PM (-7:00 GMT) | 1:00 AM (+3 GMT)
    Sunday 6:00 PM (-7:00 GMT) | 4:00 AM (+3 GMT)

    Olympiad is up and running smoothly is it was used to be!
    Olympiad need Lv 89 and 100 PvP for Registration!

    * Automatic Donation NPC *

    "Donations? ## SERVAR!"
    Don't worry, the donations for L2Grando do not effect gameplay in anyway. Players cannot obtain anything via donations that other players cannot get naturally in game. The only difference is they get it faster, and they support the server! You CANNOT donate for enchants on items. Stop asking. We do however have a nice selection of service items, such as Name Changers, Sex Changers, Race Changes (keeping base class), subclass/mainclass swaps, PvP Increases, Level 90, Clan Reputation, PK Eraser, Weapon Exchangers, Armor Exchangers, and a ton more!

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=23300.0
    « Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 04:04:48 AM by L2Grando »

