
Author Topic: [L2Off] Lineage 2 Enraged 5x  (Read 1627 times)

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    [L2Off] Lineage 2 Enraged 5x
    « on: July 06, 2015, 01:49:36 AM »
    Who are we? We are just a couple of pissed off players who are sick and tired of seeing a new potentially good server pop up only to be dead within a month due to Admins and GMs not giving a :) about their server once the donations run dry. If you are sick and tired of these cash grab servers and want to see what a real server looks like, one that has legit staff that actually cares, One that does not NEED your donation money to survive, then join us on L2Enraged.
    Why the name Enraged? As most people know, Enraged was a pretty popular server back in its heyday. I played there, my partner played there, hell a lot of you guys likely played there. Sadly it was run by an inept admin and staff. My partner and myself decided to bring back Enraged because of how pissed off all these other server owners were making us, and what they were doing to the community. What we aim to do is to make a server that is fun, fair, and enjoyable to our players. Take note, that this is an old server name under BRAND new OWNERSHIP. The only association that we have with the previous Enraged, is in name and the fact that we played there, nothing more. Now on with the advertising of the server.

    Official Links to Us:
    OPEN BETA: Ongoing til July 9th
    GRAND OPENING: Tentatively scheduled for July 10th
    Closed Beta features:
    All closed beta testers will be given GM Builder lvl  1 for testing purposes. Once Open Beta starts all testers will have that ability removed.
    Open Beta features:
    All rates will be boosted to 50x just for the sole purpose of testing, there will be no GM shops or anything like that. I'm sure many are wondering why, as someone who has tested many servers, when I found a GM shop available with everything, I just sat around trying to OE ##, I want people who are genuinely interested in helping this server not people who just want to get max level and blow ## up by trying to OE.
    Enraged Rates:
    XP: 5x
    SP: 5x
    DROP: 5x
    SPOIL: 5x Materials: 5x  Max - Amount, 1x Chance
    QUEST XP: 3x
    Certain quests item drop rates changed to 2x amount.
    PARTY EXP: retail
    Raid Bosses:
    Drop: 1x
    Chance: 2x
    PLATFORM: Gracia Epilogue[OFF]
    We have been working on editing certain scripts ourselves but are open to more suggestions in our forums. (Such as which quests should have boosted rates)
    All Quests Work (That we have tested, which is why we need you)
    All Skills Work (Again see above)
    Geodata Full ( no bugs found yet )
    Shadow Items
    Cursed Weapons (Will be disabled for the first week of server start)
    Epilogue Freight System
    Epilogue Mail System
    Hero Skills
    Epilogue Quest Slots
    Offline Shop System (You can activate this by setting up your shop and right clicking your adena in your inventory)
    Working Vitality System
    Client/Server side protection system checking client version and preventing dualboxing and hacking
    Antibot Protection (SmartGuard) - Yes we are aware of certain weaknesses within SG - such as Adrenaline, but our extremely ACTIVE GM TEAM will find and will ban all bots.
    Maximum amount of characters that can be in game from one computer, at the same time is limited to three. 2 live + 1 offline shop, 1 live, 1 buy + 1 sell shop. Etc.
    Retail Events (Every three months, we will have official server events, every week there will be a GM event or two)
    Class I & Class II Buyable (At the luxury shop)
    GameMasters Events ( Hide and Seek, Trivia, Clan Tournaments etc )
    Friendly Active Administration
    Autoloot On
    Server Hardware and DDoS Protection:
    CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1620v2
    Cores/threads: 4/8t
    Frequency/burst: 3,7 GHz+/3,9 GHz+
    Intel Smart Cache: 10 MB
    RAM: 64 GB DDR3 ECC 1600MHz
    Disks: 3x 300GB SSD
    DDoS Protection: Up to 800 Gbps ( Germany, Russia, France )
    Multi-Proxy configuration: to help assist with any potential DDoS attacks.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=23905.0

