
Author Topic: [L2J] Dasparion Interlude PvP Server  (Read 1552 times)

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[L2J] Dasparion Interlude PvP Server
« on: October 31, 2015, 06:45:07 AM »
Hello everyone! The long-awaited grand opening of L2Dasparion interlude server is finally here!
On 31st of October at 18:00 GTM+2 join our happy community to enjoy game play to its full extent.
Make sure you have your game client ready not to miss any events!

*Experience (EXP) 5000x
*Skill Points (SP) 5000x
*Adena Rates 100x
*Drop / Spoil 1x
*RaidBoss Drop 1x
*Quest Drop 1x
*Quest Reward 1x
*Fish Drop 1x
*Vitality System 100x
*Manor 100x

Enchant Rates
*Safe Enchant = +4
*Normal enchant scroll rate = 66%
*Blessed enchant scroll rate = 90%
*Crystal scrolls rate = 70%
*Max Enchant Armor & Jewels = +12 With Blessed Scrolls
*Max Enchant Weapon = +12 With Blessed Scrolls
*Max Enchant Armor & Jewels = +16 With Crystall Scrolls
*Max Enchant Weapon = +16 With With Crystall Scrolls

*Gm Shop.
*Epic Raid Boss Informer.
*Augment Shop.
*Skill Enchant Shop.
*Casino Club.
*Vote Shop.
*Vote Manager.
*Top 30 PvP / PK
*Clan Manager.
*Siege Manager.
*Wedding Manager.
*Farm Protection.
*Event Engine:TvT,DM,CTF,LMS,TW.

Gamplay and Curency
*Ultimate Character entry of start game
*Full npc buffer with auto buff
*Pick your Top grade starting items
*Special Farm Coins, GB, PvP C*, Pk C* and Event Trophy
*Special Vote Rewards
*Custom tattoos and accessory
*All active/passive augments are fully working! 1 Active Or 1 Passive only
*Lifestone Skill Chance : Mid  8% / High 15% / Top 20%
*Clan Reputation Special Item +2500
*GM Custom Event with great rewards
*PvP Farm and Color system.
*Pk Farm and Color system.
*Max Subclasses = 5
*Subclass without quest
*Max Clans in Alliance = 3
*Active Staff
*Wedding System
*Farm Zones
*Easy Farm
*No weight limit
*All flood protections
*Custom Epic Raids Scripts Enter Epics and PvP
*Try your best to win the raid and the zone
*Killing spree system
*No Lag
*Frendly Gms

*Max buffs: 60 Slots
*Buffs Duration: 3 hours
*When You Die Your Buffs Removed

Custom Zones
*Main Town: Giran
*Town of Gludin: Safe zone
*The Cemetery: Farm 1 PVP/PK
*The Forbidden Gateway: Farm2 PVP/PK
*Varka Silenos Outpost: LS/Bog zone
*PVP ZONE: Primeval Isle

Custom Commands
.menu Enabled
.pincode Enabled
.online Enabled
.offline_shop Enabled
.ctfinfo Enabled
.ctfjoin Enabled
.ctfleave Enabled
.dminfo Enabled
.dmjoin Enabled
.dmleave Enabled
.tvtinfo Enabled
.tvtjoin Enabled
.tvtleave Enabled

Olympiad Informations
*Olympiad Duration 8Hours
*Olympiad Fight Duration 5Minutes
*Olympiad Period Duration 7Days
*Olympiad Time Start 18:00
*Olympiad Regist End 22:50
*Olympiad Time End 00:00
*Olympiad Max Enchant +6
*Timezone GMT+3
Have Fun on Cypress.
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