L2ForceX - Gracia Final
Meet our server!
https://www.facebook.com/l2forcex Server Dedicated Specs:
- Intel Core Xeon 3.7GHZ Secondary processor Intel Xen 3.7Ghz.
- 32 GB RAM.
- 3 x 300GB Fujitsu 15000 rpm SCSI HD.
- Full Protection DDos/SynFlood and Others
Game Specs:
- Private Gracia Final Official server files "L2OFF".
- No overpowerful donations.
- Stable, no lag.
- Rates 15x XP/SP, 15x Adena, 15x Spam is not allowed Stones, 15x Drops, 20x Spoil.
- Quest Items Drop rates are x1.
- RaidBoss 25x XP/SP, 15x Adena, 15x drop.
- All Newbie Start Special Pet Lion 7 Days
- D,C,B Items Free for Adenas And A/S Only Craft
- Olympiad, maximum enchanted to +6.
- Anti-bot/Anti-hack system.
- Off-Line Trade.
- NPC EXP Down.
- Npc change classes.
- Maximum level of the basic class - 85
- Maximum level of the subclass - 83
- Time Buff: 1 h.
- Time Dance: 1 h.
- Time Song: 1 h.
- AioxBuffer All Buffs Times 2 h.
- Max Enchant: 20.
- Safe Enchant: +3.
- Augmentation/Herbs working.
- Shadow weapons working.
- Cursed weapons Zariche and Akamanah working.
- Commercial (not public) Geodata.
Gracia Final Info:
- Dynasty Armors, Dynasty Weapons And Icarus Weapons only Recipes
- Vesper Items only Quest.
- Up to Gracia Final Areas.
- Up to Gracia Final Mobs.
- Up to Gracia Final Raidboss.
- Up to Gracia Final Skills.
- Up to Gracia Final Weapons/Armors.
- Up to Gracia Final Drops/Spoils.
- Up to Gracia Final Clan lvl/Clan skills/Academy.
- Up to Gracia Final Castles and Clan halls.
- All features from Gracia Final working.
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=24949.0