START WILL BE 29/1/2016OPEN TODAY! L2Aeren Beta Features H5 Client =====
Class avadibles:
-Elf Mage, Dark Elf Mage & Human Mage(Only summoner avadible)
Dwarf Crafter for Vesper & Moirai on Giran
NPC Shop
NPC Buffer
Start lvl 76 full A-Grade
Grand Boss are 85:
-Ant Queen
- ...
Subclass disabled(dont need)
Certification Skill on NPC Shop(can learn more than 1)
Blue Spoil(3 class have spoil, dont need dwarf for craft)
UNIQUE transforms skill play like tank, dagger/archer, mage, healer or buffer ALL IN ONE.
-Some transforms have new skill tree(learn better skills with you lvl, 76->85)
-balanced spoil rate for easy craft
Forget create thousands of characters to do the same -> FUNLinkback: