Welcome to BloodBros L2OFF Interlude server. Below you’ll find all the relevant information regarding our project:
BloodBros | Low Rates InterludeYou can read “About Us” here, there is everything you need to know:
BloodBros | Low Rates Interlude » About UsMain Information:
Server Platform: L2OFF
Server Chronicle: Interlude (c6)
Start: 2016/March/19 16:00:01
Game Rates:
* XP/SP/Adena/Drop/Spoil (Chance): x5
* Materials amount rate: x2
* Manor Drop: Retail
Quest Rates:
* XP/SP Reward: x5
* Item/Adena Reward: x1/x5
* Seven Signs XP/SP Reward: x5
* Quest Item Drop Rate: x1
* Quest Materials rewards: x1
Retail enchants, safe +3 / +4 one-piece armor, max +20.
Newbie gun Cat
Cursed swords (Akamanah & Zariche) disabled in first two weeks
Increased item give rates for vital quests: x2
Offline shop
Auto-pickup enabled. (Herbs/Raids/PK/Player excluded)
Dual boxing policy:
One box and two offline shop allowed at the same time.
That means you can play with your main account, one extra box (eg a buffer) and have two offline shop in-game.
Gameplay Security:
* Anti-Bot System.
* Anti-Dupe Protections.
* Anti-Exploit Protections.
* Anti-DDOS System [Protects Against Massive Socket Flooding].
Custom Addons:
Service NPC (Class Change/Hair potions/Accessories)
Automated Events:
* Standard Retail events every few months.
FB Page:
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TwitchLinkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=25643.0