Server starting date: 2016 -04 - 14
Server starting time: 18:00 GMT +2
Server website:
Lineage 2 Cocaine* InterludeMain Information Rates Server
Chronicle: Interlude (C6)
Rates: All x2016(PvP)
Many special custom zones!
8 Raidbosses with their separate zones
Type: No Custom PvP
No Grade and Weight penalty
Max clans in ally: 2
Max members in clan: 20
Anti heavy
Offline shop system
Unique Economy System
Stable Platform 99%
Constantly evolving classes balance
Full interlude geodata/pathnode
In-game vote rewards
Custom Buffer
Max 1 active and 1 passive Augment at a time
Rebirth skills for whole character(when you learn rebirth skill it doesn't disappear on sub)
Enchant rates:
- Safe enchant +4.
- Max enchant +16.
- Normal Scrolls Rate(Max Enchant +12): 60%.
- Blessed Scrolls Rate(Max Enchant +12): 90%.
- Crystal Scrolls Rate(Max Enchant +16): 70%<
- Enchant Rates: 70% - From +15 to +16 - 50%
- Kernon 4 Hours
- Galaxia 4 Hours
- Anakim 3 Hours
- Skylancer 2 Hours
- Mardil 2 Hours
- Lilith 1 Hours
- Korim 1 Hours
- Barakiel 3 Hours
Custom Zones:
- All castle siege towns in teleporter !
- Main Town !
- Gludin Village - Safe Zone farm !
- Obelisk of victory - Pvp/pk farm !
- GrandBoss zones !
- Pvp Zones Changing Every 30 Mins !
- Exp: 3000x
- Xp 2016x.
- Sp 2016x.
- Adena 2016x.
- Drop 2016x.
- Starting character level - 80.
Voiced Commands:
- .tvtjoin .tvtleave - Join,leave from tvt event.
- .ctfjoin .ctfleave - Join,leave from ctf event.
- .dmjoin .dmleave - Join,leave from dm event.
- .online - Show players online in server.
Augmentation System:
- Top Life Stone Skill Chance: 9%
- Mid Life Stone Skill Chance: 3% - Usable Skills: 1 Active and 1 Passive
Event System
- TVT event [12:00 15:00 17:00 20:00 23:00] Hours.
- CTF event [13:00 16:00 19:00 21:00 24:00] Hours.
- DM event [11:00 14:00 18:00 22:00] Hours.
- Casino npc working - [24/7].
- Olympiad Starts: 18:00 (+2GMT)
- Olympiad Ends: 24:00 (+2GMT)
- Olympiad 1 Week
- Buff slot max 36
- Npc Skill enchanter
- Unique npc buffer
- Full working: skill , balance
- Noblesse status from raidboss
- No weight limit
- No grade limit
- Top 10 pvp/pk in game
- Server information table .menu
- Server up time - 24/7 99%
- Working Clan Hall and Castle siege
Server website:
Lineage 2 Cocaine* InterludeLinkback: