https://l2-resistance.com/We will launch first official
beta test of our new game server WANHEDA on Saturday
8-10-2016 at 20:00 GMT+02:00.
RatesEXP/SP: x7
PartyExpRate: x1
Adena: x5
SealStone: x5
Drop: chance х5, amount х1
Spoil: chance х5, amount х1
ManorManor: х1 - receive resources
Manor x4 - obtaining fruets from monsters
Raid BossRB drop: chance х5, amount х1
Epic drop: chance х1, amount х1, adena х1
QuestsQuest rewards: Exp х3, adena х1
Quest items dropThe Finest Food: 3x
The Finest Ingredients - Part 1: 3x
The Finest Ingredients - Part 2: 3x
Alliance with Ketra Orcs: 3x
Alliance with Varka Silenos: 3x
War with Ketra Orcs: 3x
War with Varka Silenos: 3x
Relics of the old empire: 3x
Gather the flames: 3x
Important InformationsMultiply boxes - 3 from the start
Off trade
Auto Loot off
Command panel
Funkcional achievment system
Epic Bosses are alive, from start
Profesional L2J emulator
No bugs
Available premium account with increase XP, SP and adena drop
Balanced IG Donate shop with NO GEAR!
No global buffers
Newbie helper buffs up to lvl 75
International community
EPIC BOSSESAnt Queen – 36 hours +/- 17 hours
Antharas – 192 hours +/- 12 hours
Baium - 120 hours +/- 10 hours
Beleth - 192 hours +/- 148 hours
Core 60 hours +/-24 hours
Epidos – 2 hours
Orfen 48 hours +/-20 hours
Valakas – 264 hours +/- 12 hours
CASTLE SIEGES & CLAN HALLSClan Halls - 27.8 days after the start
Castle Sieges - 28.8 days after the start
EventsTeam vs Team
Capture the Flag
Last Man Standing
Together with the Admin team we would like to invite all players to a new project called ‘Resistance’. The server will run on a professional emulator L2 High Five by 12jsunrise, which guarantees you will get the best of Lineage 2 without lags and bugs. We want to create an international community of players of Lineage 2 and rank among the TOP5 servers in Europe. We did our best and spent a lot of hours of hard work on the entire project and procured the best possible facilities. We are looking forward to you. L2-Resistance team
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=26369.0