Hello all, i’m honored to announce a new start of L2 Da Vinci, which will take place 15.12.2016, 12:00 a.m UTC +1. Our server is one of it’s kind, giving players the opportunity to enchant their gear up to 65535. Da Vinci offers a midrate gameplay with GM Shop till low S grades, pre-edited community board for fast access to most important NPC’s like blacksmiths, buffer, etc.
http://l2davinci.com/index.php Server features:
-XP/SP – 15x
-Adena – 10x
-Drop/Spoil - 4x
-Quest Drop – 4x
-Quest XP – 15x
-Safe enchant – 3, Max enchant - 65535
Normal Enchant Scrolls with rate 99% of succession, Blessed and Crystal scrolls with 100%
10 Normal Enchant Scrolls can be traded for 1 Blessed Enchant Scroll
Enchant manager offers safe enchant armor for 1 Not allowed bar, enchant weapon for 3 Not allowed bars
Hard and challenging champion monsters that yields Not allowed bars
Buffer with schemes, GM Shop till low S Grade, Global GK – accessible by ALT + B
Permanent events, like letter collector or heavy medals
TVT, DM, KoTH and others every hour
Wedding Manager, Raidboss spawn and PVP announcements
Custom Glowing Colors and Areas
Unique voting system with satisfying rewards
No raid penalty and ability to spoil blue mobs
Mana potions, BoM and MoM accessible in giran all the time
Anti-bot captcha protection
If you want to experience something new and original, simply, join us and have fun. Give it a shot and you won’t regret!
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=26836.0