
Author Topic: L2JL2 Rebirth NO CUSTOM PvP server Grand Opening  (Read 1948 times)

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    L2 Rebirth NO CUSTOM PvP server Grand Opening
    « on: January 28, 2017, 03:49:07 PM »
    Dear Lineage 2 Fans i'd like to announce that L2Rebirth project it'll be a no custom PvP Server!!
    Do you remember your great moments? your first battles, first S status, castles that you took, Grand Bosses
    that you killed with your friends?
    Our Team have great news for you! We want to present you that L2Rebirth x4000 is going for a new era in lineage 2 World!
    Sounds good? Yes! It is going to change for new & old players, lets shake Lineage2 world and show what we can!
    It is time to remind your enemy who you are, time to find new friends and spend your best days in the biggest server of the year!
    It is time for something different, it's time for you to Rebirth!!!

    -Starting lvl 80-

    -Custom Starting Zone-

    -Free Noblesse-

    -Custom PvP Areas-
    -Farm Areas-
    -Vote reward system-

    -Olympiad 100%-

    -Retail Siege Giran Only for more action-

    -Buff slots: 56-

    -Fully working skills-

    -Working Clan Halls-

    -100% retail gameplay-

    -Dualbox allowed-

    -Fllowles geodata & Pathnodes-

    -Balanced classes-

    -100% Uptime-

    -Max subclasses 3-

    -Max alliance 3-

    -All augments working! (Only 1 active + 1 passive)-

    -PvP protection system per IP-

    -Olympiad protection per IP-

    -Mass reward protection per IP-

    -PvP name colors [250,500,750,1000,1500,2000,3000]-

    -PK name colors [250,500,750,1000,1500,2000,3000]

    -Killing spree system-

    -PvP/PK system [1 pvp reward per kill]-

    -Anti-buff block shield-

    -10 PvP requirement to register olympiad-

    -Olympiad auto skill reuse after every match-

    -Olympiad period 1 week-


    -Xp: x4000-

    -Sp: x4000-

    -Karma Drop: x20-


    -Safe Enchant +3

    -Max Enchant with normal scrolls +12 [60%]-

    -Max Enchant with blessed scrolls +12 [100%]-

    Max Enchant with crystal scrolls +15 [100%]-


    -Top life stones rates: 40%-

    -High life stones rates: 20%-

    -Mid life stones rates: 10%-


    -Farm Features-

    -Safe zone [Drop:5 farm coin & 10kk adena]-

    -Farm zones [Drop:20 farm coin & adena]-


    -Server announcements-

    -Castle Lords-

    -Raid Bosses-

    -Killing spree in a row-


    -[Vote system] L2Topzone-

    -[Vote system] L2Hopzone-


    -Server announcements-

    .ctfjoin or .ctfleave

    .tvtjoin or .tvtleave

    .dmjoin or .dmleave

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=27008.0

