L2Amalur Rates InformationHigh FiveRatesExp/SP: 75x.
Party Exp/SP: 2x.
Quest: 4x.
Adena: 75x
Drop: 10x
Spoil: 10x
Enchant Rate: 55%.
Enchant Safe: +4 (Enchant Max: +18 ).
2 Hours buff (26+4 Buff slots).
ALt+B - Global Gatekeeper - Buffer - Buy Premium Services
Shop itens grade C-S.
Manor: 10x.
Raid Boss: 5x
Grand Raid Boss Jewls: 1x
Subclass Free.
Nobless for quest.
Quest transformation free.
Auto pickup / Auto learn skills divine and forgottens
Blue drop mobs on.
Oly start 20:00 GMT +2.
Hero days 1 and 15.
Free class 4 / Team 4 / Especific 6.
- Queen Ant 22 hours 2 -/+ hours.
- Antharas 9 days random 12 -/+ hours.
- Baium 5 days random 12 -/+ hours.
- Valakas 11 days random 12 -/+ hours.
- Frintezza Minimum players 9.
- Boss Quest 7Rbs up Crystals lvl 11 to 15.
- All events and system vote reward Festival Adena.
Available Voiced Commands.
* .cfg
* .report
SGuard Protection
L2Amalur High Five 75x