Lineage 2 GOT - The Best H5 Craft-PvP ServerIts Mid rate server check website more information start soon
Server Rate
Exp: x10
Sp: x10
Adena: x10
Drop: x3
Quest exp: x3
Quest sp: x3
Quest adena: x3
Quest drop: x3
Spoil: x3
Manor: x3
Weight Limit: +20%
Premium Account: +5x Exp,SP,Drop,Adena. And Enchanted Buffer .buffer command
Safe enchant: +3
Max enchant: +16
Normal Scroll chance: 65%
Blessed Scroll chance: 75%
Elemental Max.Level: 9
Element Stone chance: 60%
Element Crystal chance: 30%
Element Jewel chance: 15%
Element Lvl: 7
Max Clients per PC: 3
Buffs Duration: 2H
Buffs slot: 36
Max Oly Enchant: 6
Max Subclass: 3
Max Subclass Level: 84